
Monday, January 31, 2022

William T. Sherman to George Mason Graham, March 30, 1860

LOUISIANA STATE SEMINARY of Learning and Military Academy,
Alexandria, March 30, 1860.

DEAR GENERAL: You see I am back, one day behind time, caused by the boat's delaying that long in picking up freight along shore. Of course I want to see you, but Mr. Smith and the Doctor are under engagement to visit the ladies at Judge Boyce's, and I always encourage that spirit in young gentlemen.

I have just come from the declamations for this week, which show fine progress; also the new uniforms look fine. The young gentlemen are as proud as peacocks and have hailed my return as though I were their grandfather. I had to make them a speech to-night, which has filled up the gap of my absence, and I may now work again. This is the end of the quarter — I must write to the parent of each cadet, and must settle all accounts, etc., so that next week I shall be busy.

Dr. Smith and Mr. Manning were out to-day and told me that the Board of Supervisors would meet next Saturday. If you can reorganize on that day I will endeavor to be ready with all papers and reports they may call for.

The clothing has come, fifty-one suits of cloth and fifty-one of flannel, hats, caps, and many spare articles, amounting to $3,000. Have you that money in New Orleans? We have here, Smith says, about $1,800 more than enough to pay all salaries, mess accounts, etc. Write me on this point also. Did you get my account current and vouchers left at Henarie's? . . .

SOURCE: Walter L. Fleming, General W.T. Sherman as College President, p. 193-4

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