
Thursday, February 3, 2022

Diary of Richard R. Hancock: Friday, June 28, 1861

As Tennesseans were then offering their services faster than the state was prepared to arm and equip them, it was after hard begging that Governor Isham G. Harris gave his consent to have our company mustered into service; and as he would not receive more than seventy-six men, including the officers, eight of our company had to return home.

About eleven o'clock A. M., the Auburn Company (known afterward as the "Sangs") was sworn into service by J. G. Picket.

The following roll will be found to contain the names of the seventy-six men who were mustered into the service of the State of Tennessee for twelve months, with the present (1886) address opposite the name of each one living, so far as known. I have not been able to learn whether those whose names are followed by an asterisk (*) are dead or living; therefore, in our calculations hereafter, we will call this class the unaccounted for.


Allison, T. M., Captain. Killed at home in 1862.
Summar, N. W., First Lieutenant, Auburn, Tennessee.
Alexander, George, Second Lieutenant, Cedar Creek, Texas.
Wilson, M. V., Third Lieutenant.*
ODOM, J. J.,1 First Sergeant. Died in West Tennessee in 1885.
WIDLARD, D. B., Second Sergeant, Auburn, Tennessee.
McLin, J. D., Third Sergeant, Nashville, Tenn.
Odom, John H., Fourth Sergeant, Auburn, Tennessee. Wounded at Harrisburg.
Summar, J. N., First Corporal, Auburn, Tennessee.
Davenport, George, Second Corporal, Auburn, Tennessee. Wounded at Bear Creek Bridge.
WALKER, SAM, Third Corporal, Smithville, Tennessee.
Lanear, Dick, Fourth Corporal.*
Adamson, Presley, Smallman, Tennessee.
Adamson, W. A., Smallman, Tennessee.
Ashford, Cahal. Died at home in June, 1862.
Barrett, Eli, Auburn, Tennessee. Captured in September, 1863, and taken to Camp Morton, Indiana.
BOGLE, J. M., Avoca, Benton County, Arkansas.
Cooper, A. D., Auburn, Tennessee.
Cooper, J. M. Died in 1883.
Cooper, Jim, Gallatin, Tenn.
DAVENPORT, R. Died in West Tennessee, April 7, 1885. Wounded October 26, 1863.
DOUGHERTY, J. R., Auburn, Tennessee.
Dennis, Sam,* Arkansas. Made Second Lieutenant in 1862, and wounded at Harrisburg, July 14, 1864.
Dougherty, C., Columbia, Texas.
Ewing, A. G. Committed suicide since the war.
Ewing, B. D., Lane, Hunt County, Texas.
Ewing, E. L., Lane, Hunt County. Texas. Wounded at Columbia, Tenn.
Francis, A. H., Calf Creek, Searcy County, Arkansas.
Gan, Jim. Killed by the Federals in Wilson County, Tennessee.
Hale, Josiah.* Captured at Booneville, Mississippi, May 30, 1862.
Hancock, B. A.,2 Auburn, Tennessee. Discharged in 1862.
Hancock, C. E. Died in Franklin County, Alabama, June 4, 1864.
Hancock, R. R., Auburn, Tennessee. Wounded October 30, 1864.
Hancock, W.C.2 Killed at Harrisburg, July 14, 1864.
Hannaphin, Tim.*
HARRISON, DR. J. S., McMinnville, Tennessee. Elected Third Lieutenant in 1862, and wounded at Harrisburg, July 14, 1864.
Harrison, W. W. Killed at Memphis, August 21, 1864.
Hawkins, J. E. J. Killed near Auburn, in 1864, by Federals.
Hawkins, W. W. Died since the war. Wounded at Okalona, and again at Fort Pillow, which was, perhaps, the cause of his death.
Hays, J. T. Died at home in 1861.
Hearmon, John. Died at Mill Springs, Kentucky,Jan. 6, 1862.
JETTON, Josh. Died in 1885.
Jones, Jesse, Murfreesboro, Tennessee.
Keaton, Coon. Died in prison, on Rock Island.
Keaton, G. C., Smallman, Tennessee.
KENNEDY, J. W. Died in Auburn, July 26, 1873.
Kennedy, L. V. Died in Texas, April 23, 1885.
Kennedy, W. C., Auburn, Tennessee.
Knight, Monroe, Huntsville, Arkanas. Discharged in 1861.
Markham, A., Smallman, Tennessee.
McAdoo, J. C., Auburn, Tennessee.
McKnight, A. B., Porterfield, Tennessee. Lost one leg in 1865.
McKnight, D. C. Drowned since the war.
McKnight, L. W. Mortally wounded at Paducah, Kentucky, March 25, 1864.
McKnight, M. W., Waxahachie, Texas.3
MILLIGAN, W. H., Auburn, Tennessee.
Mullinax, J. B., Smallman, DeKalb County, Tennessee. Discharged in November, 1861.
Nelson, P.,* Arkansas.
O'Conner, Tom, * Corinth, Mississippi.
Odom, B. F. Killed at Paducah, March 25, 1864.
ODOM, B. F. S., Hall's Hill, Tennessee.
Purnell, L. T. Died since the war.
Rich, W. E., Round Top, Wilson County, Tennessee. Wounded two miles west of Harrisburg, Mississippi, July 13, 1864.
Richardson, M. Died at home in 1861 or '62.
Smith, Bob, Liberty, DeKalb County, Tennessee. Discharged in November, 1861.
Stanly, John. Captured near home, and died in prison at Fort Delaware.
Stevens, J. W., Temperance Hall, DeKalb County, Tennessee. Captured and paroled at Okalona, Mississippi, and wounded at Paducah.
STEVENS, W. C., West Tennessee.
Summar, T. D. Died in 1871.
Talley, Dick. Died since the war.
THOMAS, C. F., Farrier, Cleburne, Texas. Wounded at Fort Pillow in 1864.
Thomas, Jim L., Greenvale, Wilson County, Tennessee
Turney, H, L. W.3 Wounded at Fort Pillow and at Memphis, August 21, 1864, and died in West Tennessee, February 16, 1880.
Willard, F. M., Milton, Rutherford County, Tennessee.
Willard, W. B., Waxahachie, Texas.
Womack, D., * Missouri.

To recapitulate, seven were killed, twenty have died, forty-one are living, and eight unaccounted for— total, seventy-six.

The following is as complete a list of the names of those who joined the Auburn Company from time to time during the war as I can now make out, after diligent inquiry among my comrades:


ALEXANDER, G. B., Oak Point, Wilson County, Tennessee.
Armstrong, Tom.*
BAXTER, H. A. Died since the war.
Baxter, J. H. Died since the war.
BLACK, W. A., Milton, Rutherford County, Tennessee.
BLACK, J. F. Died since the war.
BARRETT, A., Auburn, Cannon County, Tennessee.
Barlow, Jack, Lascassas, Rutherford County, Tennessee.
BARKER, S. (“ BABE"), Milton, Tennessee.
BRADBERRY, J. Died since the war.
BARKLEY, T. C.,* Texas.
Barkley, John T., Yorkville, Gibson County, Tennessee.
Bryson, R. Captured near home, and died in prison at Fort Delaware.
Bryson, E. D., Auburn, Tennessee.
CRANOR, Mose, Milton, Rutherford County, Tennessee.
Cavender, J. H., Dixon, Webster County, Kentucky. Lost one leg at “Tory Fight,” October 26, 1863.
Cummings, Tip, Woodbury, Cannon County, Tennessee.
Champion, J. H., Auburn, Tennessee.
Cooper, M. D. L., * Missouri.
DAVENPORT, William, Auburn, Tennessee.
DOUGHERTY, J. M., Statesville, Wilson County, Tennessee.
Duggin, P. L. Died August 29, 1867.
EWING, R. B. Died in Texas in 1876.
Elkins, T. D. (“Coon”), Woodbury, Tennessee. Wounded at Paducah, Kentucky, March 25, 1864.
Ellidge, J. B., Woodbury, Tennessee.
Francis, M. H., Auburn, Tennessee. Wounded at Harrisburg, July 14, 1864.
Francis, J. J., Wounded at Tupelo, Mississippi, May 5, 1863, and at Harrisburg.
Flowers, A. W., Ray, Texas.
Francis, M. C., Milton, Tennessee.
Francis, C. C., Auburn, Tennessee. Captured on Hood's raid.
Francis, J. D., Auburn, Tennessee.
Garrison, C., Milton, Tennessee.
GOARD, J. W. Died in 1884.
Grisham, O. N. Killed at Harrisburg, Mississippi, July 14, 1864.
GRISHAM, Ben, Russellville, Franklin County, Alabama.
Greer, John J.. Auburn, Cannon County, Tennessee. Hars, John W., Auburn, Cannon County, Tennessee.
HERNDON, JOE W.* Wounded at Harrisburg, July 14, 1864.
HERNDON, John L., Mississippi.
Hurt, T. M.*
HANCOCK, R. M. Died since the war.
Jetton, A. J., Auburn, Tennessee.
Jetton, E., Smallman, DeKalb County, Tennessee.
Knox, B. F., Milton, Tennessee.
Knight, Horace, Smallman, Tennessee.
Keaton, H., Smallman, Tennessee.
Keaton, William, Smallman, Tennessee.
LORANCE, MIKE, Porterfield, Rutherford County, Tennessee. Wounded at Harrisburg, July 14, 1864.
McKNIGHT, Jim NUTE, Milton, Tennessee.
McKnight, A. G., Porterfield, Tennessee.
McAdoo, J. N. Died January 16, 1882.
McKnight, John N., Porterfield, Tennessee. Wounded at Paducah, Kentucky.
McWhirter, Dr. W. H., Webber's Falls, Indian Territory.
McWhirter, S. A., Milton, Tennessee.
Milligan, J. A. Died since the war.
MATHES, J. R., Cainsville, Wilson County, Tennessee.
Newman, *
ODOM, JAMES H., Auburn, Tennessee. Wounded at Harrisburg: July 14, 1864.
ODOM, J. W., Auburn, Tennessee.
Opom, W. F., Murfreesboro, Tennessee.
Odom, H. C. (Red), Auburn, Tennessee. Wounded at Memphis, August 21, 1864.
Odom, J. M. A., Auburn, Tennessee.
Owen, J. D., Auburn, Tennessee.
Owen, Nelse, Osage, Caryell County, Texas.
Odom, S. C., Auburn, Tennessee. Wounded at Mud Creek, and again at Paducah, Kentucky.
Odom, F. B., Fairfield, Freestone County, Texas.
Parris, Joe, McMinnville, Tennessee.
Parris, J. (Sweet), Missouri.
STEVENS, H. G., Bear Branch, DeKalb County, Tennessee. Wounded near Cherokee. Alabama, October 21, 1863
SNEED, J. H., Auburn, Tennessee. Captured and paroled at Okalona, Mississippi, in December, 1862.
Stone, J. R. Died in August, 1885.
Stone, J., Woodbury, Tenn.
Stone, William. Died since the war.
Stone, J. G. Died since the war.
Summar, J. D., Auburn, Tennessee.
Spurlock, J. M., Smallman, Tennessee.
Spicer, Sol.* Captured September, 1863, and sent to Camp Morton, Indiana.
Summar, M. P., Honey Grove, Fannin County, Texas.
Thomas, J. H. Died since the war.
THOMAS, A. J., Honey Grove, Texas. Wounded at Harrisburg, July 14, 1864.
Thomas, E. D., Auburn, Tennessee. Wounded near Cherokee, Alabama, October 21, 1863.
THOMPSON, J. B., * Texas.
Tittle, Sam, Woodbury, Tennessee. Captured in September, 1863, and sent to Camp Morton, Indiana.
Tittle, Adam, McMinnville, Tennessee.
Tedder. Frank. Died since the war.
WARREN, O. J., * Mississippi.
Webb, W. J., Aberdeen, Mississippi.
Willard, N., Fairfield, Texas. Wounded at Corinth, October 5, 1862.
Walker, Tom.*
Wamack, Anderson. Captured near home, and died in prison at Fort Delaware.
Wamack, W. L.,* Missouri. Wounded at Fort Pillow.
Willard, J. A., Fairfield, Freestone County, Texas.

Of the Recruits, one was killed, seventeen have died, sixty-two living, and twelve unaccounted for—total, ninety-two.

Add the recruits to the original company, and the result will be as follows: Eight killed, thirty-seven died, one hundred and three living, and twenty unaccounted for—total, one hundred and sixty-eight.

As several were wounded more than once, some thirty-two of the company received between thirty-five and forty wounds.

The above list speaks well for the industry and perseverance of Captain M. W. McKnight in keeping his company well recruited, as well as for the popularity of the company

The “Sangs”4 generally outnumbered any other company in the regiment, and yet they were never consolidated with any other company.

I learn from an old muster-roll, which has been preserved by Lieutenant J. S. Harrison, that sixteen5 of the original company and thirty-five5 of the recruits—total, fifty-one-were present at the surrender of Forrest's Cavalry, May 10, 1865. The muster-roll referred to above is dated thus: "Near Sumterville, Alabama, May 1, 1865." And upon said roll I find the names of nineteen others, who are accounted for as follows: Three (J. W. Webb, W. E. Rich,6 and T. D. Summer6) are reported “Detached by order of Lieutenant-General Forrest;" two (A. G. McKnight and B. D. Ewing6) are reported “Absent, waiting on wounded ;” three (A. B. McKnight,6 W.W. Hawkins,6 and R. R. Hancock*) are reported “Absent, wounded;” six (Captain M. W. McKnight,6 Lieutenant H. L. W. Turney,6 Privates E. L. Ewing,6 J. H. Cavender, Mat Francis and H. C. Odam) are reported “Retired by order of Medical Board;" three (A. G. Ewing,6 J. H. Baxter, and John N. McKnight) are reported “Absent, sick," and two (E. D. Thomas and J. H. Thomas) are reported “Absent on parole."

Though I do not find upon said roll the names of any of the Auburn Company (J. D. McLin,6 C. C. Francis, Eli Barrett,6 and perhaps some others) who were in prison when this muster-roll was made out, I suppose they were omitted from the fact that our officers did not expect to get paroles for those in prison. But, omitting those in prison and the two already on parole, there were sixty-eight of the Auburn Company paroled at Gainesville, Sumter County, Alabama, May 10, 1865. (Gainesville is situated in the center of the western border of Alabama, on the west bank of the Tombigbee River, about forty-five miles southeast of Columbus, Mississippi.) Besides the eight killed, only about nine company died during the war. Alfred Hancock, Dr. G. C. Flowers, William A. Groom, John Overall, George Owen, George Turney, and Captain Sam Y. Barkley were with the Auburn Company from time to time during the war, and did more or less service, though they were not really members of the company. S. Y. Barkley, the last named above, was Captain of a company in Colonel E. S. Smith's regiment; and after that regiment disbanded Captain Barkley, though remaining independent, did service with the Auburn Company a good portion of the time from the fall of 1862 to the close of the war.

We remained at Nashville about five or six days. As they wanted our boots made by the penitentiary hands, we went there and had our measures taken. We moved from Nashville to Thorn Hill, near Goodlettsville, some ten or twelve miles north-east of Nashville, where we found the four following cavalry companies encamped:

The following is the muster-roll of Captain Frank N. McNairy's Company (A):

McNairy, F. N., Captain, d.
Harris, W. H., First Lieutenant, 1.
Brown, C. W., Second Lieutenant, 1.
Hicks, E. D., Third Lieutenant, 1.
Morton, G. H., First Sergeant, 1.
Roberts, William, Second Sergeant, 1.
Maxey, William O., Third Sergeant, d.
Britton, William, Fourth Sergeant, 1.
Drane, J. R , First Corporal, d.
Miliron, A. A., Second Corporal, killed at Milton.
Shute, J. M., Third Corporal, 1.
Craighead, W. J., Fourth Corporal, d.
Bender, John, Bugler, 1.
Winfrey, Andrew, Bugler, 1.
Drane, Tom, 1.
Abbay, R. H., d.
Abbay, R. H., d.
Adams, R. H., d.
Aiken, George, d.
Anderson, J. S., d.
Anderson, J. S., d.
Atkinson, T. C., d.
Bennington, Thomas, 1.
Blackman, Hays, 1.
Bolton, Alex., 1.
Brien, W. A., 1.
Buchanan, J. R., d.
Bush, G. W., d.
Campbell, Joe, d.
Clark, Charles, 1.
Crawford, Scott, 1.
Curran, J. M., d.
Curran, Pat, d.
Dashiells, G. W., d.
Dodd, B. P., 1.
Edmondson, Henry, 1.
Edmondson, W. A., d.
Ferguson, Tom, d.
French, A. H., 1.
Graves, W. H., I.
Griffin, Blank.
Grisham, W. J., 1.
Guinn, W. J.
Guthrie, W.*
Haile, G. E.*
Hallowell, B. F., 1.
Hamill, A. C.; d,
Hamill, M.*
Hancock, G. D.*
Hendricks, A. P., 1.
Hope, R. K., d.
Jackson, Andrew.*
Joplin, Thomas, 1.
Kimbro, Thomas, 1.
Marchbank, Chase, 1.
Marshall, E. S., 1.
Martin, C. C.7
Mathews, S. G., 1.
Morris, R. E. K.8
Natcher, W. K., k.
Nolan, M. D. A., d.
Paul, J. A., 1.
Payne, A. B., d.
Porch, W. A., 1.
Puckett, James.
Ridley, G. C., 1.
Ridley, J. L., 1.
Safforans, T. M., d.
Shields, John, 1.
Shilcut, T. H., 1.
Smith, E. M., d.
Smith, J. M.
Smith, Nat., 1.
Smith, P. A., 1.
Smithwick, George, d.
Steele, J. W., 1.
Steele, William.
Sykes, J. W., d.
Tate, Zack, d.
Thomas, George, 1.
Treanor, J. D.
Tucker. *
Vaughn, J. H., 1.
Vaughn, J. T., 1.
Williams, N. B.*

The following is the muster-roll of the company (B) commanded by Captain W. L. Horn:

Horn, W. L., Captain, I.
Gasby, L. L., First Lieutenant, d.
Calvert, W. W., Second Lieutenant, d.
Craft, W. H., Third Lieutenant, d.
Horn, F. W., First Sergeant, 1.
Oswell, Nick, Second Sergeant.
Pickett, J. C., Third Sergeant, d.
Horn, E. H.,* Fourth Sergeant, 1.
Frankland, J., First Corporal, p.
Rhodes, William, Second Corporal, 1.
Singleton, H. E., Third Corporal, d.
Polk, Richard, Fourth Corporal, 1.
Tate, James, Ensign, k.
Johnson, E. C., Bugler, 1.
Atilla, Frank, Drill Master, 1.
Figg, R. M., 1.
Brooks, E., d.
Armstrong, Eli, d.
Bowles, Thomas, 1.
Bowles, W. E., d.
Bowman, James, 1.
Breedlove, Stanford, 1.
Cantrell, W. H., d.
Carpenter, William, d.
Cash, Jeff, d.
Cooke, J. E., d.
Franklin, J., d.
Graves, John, 1.
Green, J.*
Hager, B. D., 1.
Hays, Mike P,, 1.
Henry, J. P.*
Hook, I. N., d.
Hunley, Ben, d.
Jackson, J. P., 1.
Johnson, Lafayette, d.
Johnson, W. D.. 1.
Kelly, Pat.*
Kenner, John, k.
Kittle, Richard, 1.
Little, David. *
Mahan, Mike. *
Mahoney, John.*
Mann, G. W., l.
McKnight, W. G., d.
Mehrenstein, M., 1.
Meyer, John, 1.
Miller, Aug., d.
Morton, S. W.*
Nellan, M.* Ford, T.*
Newbern, Thomas, 1.
Nicholson, M. R., 1.
O'Brien, John, 1.
O'Donnell, John.*
O'Hara, Roderick, d.
Overbee, Coleman,*
Overstreet, J. L., 1.
Patton, F., 1.
Powers, Pat. *
Rhodes, D. C., 1.
Rhodes, M., d.
Runnells, Sam.*
Searls, Charles, 1.
Singleton, A. J., d.
Spillers, L., 1.
Squares, Charles, d.
Stevenson, J. F., 1.
Stull, J., l.
Sullivan, Pat.*
Sutton, J. J., 1.
Tarpley, Robert, k.
Thompson, S., d.
Webb, J. B., k.
Wilson, Wallace, 1.
Wittey, Horatio, d.
Woodruff, John, 1.
Wright, H.*
Wyatt, Thomas, d.
Yates, Thomas, d.
Zachary, Wash, 1.

The following is the roll9 of Company C,10 & First  Battalion Tennessee Cavalry:

Ewing, William, Captain, d.11
Bond, Burk, First Lieutenant, d.
House, Isaac, Second Lieutenant, d.
Wyatt, Joe, Third Lieutenant, d.
Parrish, William, First Sergeant, d.
Allen, John, Jr.
Allen, John, Sr.
Andrews, William.
Bailey, Pat.
Beech, David.
Blythe, James.
Bostick, Jonn, 1.
Boyd, D. J.
Boyd, Thad.
Brown, John.
Cathrenn, H.
Childress, George.
Childress, William.
Clouston, W. G.
Core, J. G.
Cowles, James.
Crite, J. M.
Crow, J. M.
Crump, G. R.
Crump, Marcus.
Davis, James, d.
Denton, James.
Dodson, Andrew.
Dodson, Byrd.
Dodson, Tim.
Duff, William, d.
Elliott, Joe.
Ellis, John.
Fleming, Lem.
Franklin, James.
House, Mann, d.
Hughes, Brice.
Hughes, Henry.
Hughes, James.
Hughes, Lee.
Hunt, Turner.
Jordan, G. M.
Mallory, Clem.
Mallory, John.
Malone, Hiram.
Maney, H. J., d.
Marshall, William.
McCallister, Joe.
McCrea, ——
McDowell, Sam.
McGan, J- L., 1.
McLane, Ben.
Mebane, Alex.
Merrett, David.
Merrett, J. H.
Mosley, Robert
Mosley, Sam.
Mullins, Doge.
North, J. A., 1.
Oden, Thomas.
Orum, James.
Pollard, N. N.
Reid, W. W.
Smithson, G. W.
Smithson, James.
Sounders, Mark;
Spivy, R.
Tichnenar, G. W.
Tull, Dudle.
Tullan, James.
Underwood, T. B., 1.
Williams, N. C.
Williams, Wm.
Weli, Sam.
Wray, J.

I have failed to get a full report of the living and dead of Ewing's Company.

The following is the muster-roll of Captain E. D. Payne's Company (D):

Payne, E. D., Captain, d.
Petway, R. G., First Lieutenant, l.
Ryan, J. B., Second Lieutenant, l.
Birdwell, J. W., Third Lieutenant.*
Dawson, W. R., First Sergeant.*
Smith, W. H., Second Sergeant, d.
Bevill, J. M., Third Sergeant.*
Hickman, J. A., Fourth Sergeant.*
Knote, T. L., Fifth Sergeant, d.
Walker, E. R., First Corporal.*
Petty, S. H., Second Corporal.*
Sales, W. J., Third Corporal.*
Buckner, J. H., Fourth Corporal.*
Adams, G. W.*
Alexander, J. D.*
Anderson, Alex.*
Armstrong, H. C., 1.
Blackwell, J. W.*
Blair, S. S., 1.
Bledsoe, C. P., d.
Bradley, H. C.*
Bradley, William, d.
Brien, W. A., I.
Caldwell, J. R.*
Camperry, R. J.*
Carler, William.*
Carlisle, W. G., d.
Cavender, J. C., l.
Cayee, F. J.*
Cozatt, G. W., Bugler, d.
Dobbs, J. R., I.
Drane, Thomas. *
Duncan, J. H., d.12
Forehand, Thomas. *
Fox, Thomas.
Glasco, C. L., d.
Good, G. H.*
Handy, D. S.*
Handy, G. M.*
Harbring, J.*
Haynes, J. C.*
Hays, E. C.*
Head, Robert.*
Heiss, Henry, d.
Hester, J. W., d.
Hickle, G. R. H.*
Hill, J. B.*
Houston, J. D., 1.
Hunter, William, I.
Hutchinson, W. B., 1.
Johnson, C., Farrier, 1.
Jones, J. M.*
Jones, Joseph, d.
Kirkpatrick, J. W.
Knott, R. S., 1.
Maratta, S., Bugler, d.
Marks, W. P., k.
Mayfield, W.*
McCartney, L. W., d.
Nelson, N. R., d.
Pendergras, James. *
Petty, J. M.*
Polk, J. A., 1.
Rhodes, J. B., d.
Richardson, J. R.*
Ring, A. N.*
Robertson, J. A.*
Skeggs, C. H., 1.
Smith, W. B.*
Steele, E. F.*
Underwood, F. J.*
Washburn, J. M., d.
West, E. M.*
White, Edward. *
Whittey, D. J.*
Williams, A. J.*
Woods, N.*

At Thorn Hill, during the first week of July, the five companies previously mentioned were organized into a battallion, known as the,

by electing the following field and staff officers :

Frank N. McNairy, Lieutenant-Colonel.
William Malcomb, Major.
E. D. Hicks, Lieutenant and Adjutant.
M. W. McKnight, Sergeant-Major.
Dr. Isaac House, Surgeon.
G. M. Fogg, Acting Quartermaster.
William Britton, Assistant Quartermaster.
Ramsey, Commissary
John Bender, Bugler.

As the Captain of Company A was elected Lieutenant-Colonel, and the Third Lieutenant of the same company was made Adjutant, therefore, by election, W. Hooper Harris became Captain, and Hays Blackman First Lieutenant, and George H. Morton was made Third Lieutenant of Company A in December, 1861.

A few days after the First Battalion had been organized at Thorn Hill, it moved from there to Camp Jackson, near Hendersonville, some five or six miles east of the former camp.

News having reached Auburn, Cannon County, that the First Battalion would start to East Tennessee in a few days, quite a number of the friends and relatives of our company (Allison's) paid us a visit, about the 24th of July, at Camp Jackson. They brought trunks and boxes filled with “good things” to eat. How, for the next three or four days, we did enjoy the company of our friends and relatives, as well as eating the good things they brought for us! Had I an eloquent pen I would here use it in describing those few but bright days. They were, in comparison with the rest of our soldier life, like an oasis in a great desert.

On the morning of the 28th most of our friends set out on their return home, and the three companies enlisted at Nashville (Harris's, Horn's, and Payne's) had previously gone to that place to visit relatives and friends before starting eastward. Allison's and Ewing's Companies were still at Camp Jackson.


1 Those whose names are in small capitals [in this listing all capitals] were present at the surrender.

2 B. A. and W. C. are brothers of the writer.

3 See Appendix A.

4 The above name (or rather as at first, “Sang Diggers”) was given to the Auburn Company rather as a term of derision; though, in the language of an ancient general (Epaminondas), “they did not derive any honor from the name, but they made the name honorable.”

5 By reference to the preceding rolls their names will be found printed in small [all] capitals.

6 These twelve were members of the original company.

7 Killed at Milton, Tennessee.

8 Killed at Winchester, Kentucky.

9 I am under obligations to J. L. McGann for this roll.

10 This company was from Williamson County, the other three from Nashville, except a few Kentuckians in Company D.

11 Resigned at Cumberland Ford.

12 Made Captain at Cumberland Ford.

SOURCE: Richard R. Hancock, Hancock's Diary: Or, A History of the Second Tennessee Confederate Cavalry, p. 18-35

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