
Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Major-General Ulysses S. Grant to Surgeon John Moore, July 14, 1863

Head Quarters, Dept, of the Ten,        
Vicksburg Miss. July 14th 1863
Surgeon J. Moore
        Medical Director,


Gen. Smith,' C, S, A. complains that the prisoners in hospitals, in many cases have not received proper supplies of either medicine or food. In some cases the sick have only had hard bread and pork although requisitions have been sent to the Medical Purveyor for articles required.

I wish you would have this matter inquired into as soon as possible and have every thing necessary for the health and comfort of those confined in hospital supplied. Let me know the facts about these supplies being furnished as soon as you can.

Very Respectfully
U. S. Grant        
Maj. Gen. Com
SOURCE: John Y. Simon, Editor, The Papers of Ulysses S. Grant, Volume 9, p. 49-50

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