
Thursday, April 28, 2022

A. P. Shutt to William Preston Smith, November 22, 1859—1:23 p.m.

Harper's Ferry, Nov. 22d, 1859—1.23 P. M.
W. P. Smith:

One hundred troops left on mail for Richmond. When arrived at Charlestown Gov. Wise had countermanded his order of last evening, and intends to keep the troops for the present stationed, here and at Harper's Ferry. I delivered your package to the Governor.

I understand from Mr. Barbour that the Governor has some important information. You shall hear from me if there is anything of interest.


SOURCE: B. H. Richardson, Annapolis, Maryland, Publisher, Correspondence Relating to the Insurrection at Harper's Ferry, 17th October, 1859, p. 48-9

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