
Friday, April 8, 2022

Sherman’s Instructions to State Cadets, June 15, 1860

Louisiana State Seminary of Learning                
and Military Academy,        
ALEXANDRIA, June 15, 1860

SIR:—I am officially informed that you have been appointed a State Cadet in this Institution, and I hereby request that you will present yourself here in person between the 29th and 31st of October prepared to be examined on the 1st day of November for admission.

The qualifications for admission are: Age from fifteen to twenty-one years, of good moral character, free from any contagious or infectious disease; you should read the English language fluently and well, write a plain and legible hand, and be able to perform with facility and accuracy the operations of Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Vulgar and Decimal Fractions, Simple and Compound Proportion; and indeed to understand all subjects embraced in the ordinary Books on Arithmetic. That of Davies’ is adopted as our standard, and it would be well for you to procure it and study it well. You will be examined on the foregoing subjects, and will immediately enter on the regular course of study, beginning with Davies’ Algebra (Bourdon,) Geometry (Legendre,) The French Grammar of Noel & Chapsal, The English Grammar by Noble Butler, and the Latin Grammar by Rudiman. If these Texts Books can be procured at home you will do well to get them, and study them before coming here, as all such knowledge will be so much gained, and will be of marked advantage to you in your class.

Bring with you a good trunk, 7 good shirts, 4 pairs of drawers, 4 pairs of white drill pants, 7 pairs of cotton socks, 2 pairs of good stout shoes or boots, 2 pairs of white Berlin gloves, 6 pocket handkerchiefs, 6 towels, clothes brush, hair brush, tooth brush, comb, and 2 bags for soiled clothing, clothing well marked.

You will need here as an outfit 1 chair $1.50, 1 mattress $4, 1 linen cover to wrap the bedding in $1.15, 1 pair of leather straps $1, 2 pair of good blankets $8, 2 pair of sheets $2.80, 2 pillowcases 60 cts., 1 feather pillow $2, 1 looking glass 75 cts., water bucket 30 cts., dipper 30 cts., candlestick and snuffers $1 and 1 uniform hat $8, in all say $32. These must be paid for in cash, unless brought from home.

The state will provide annually,

Board 10 months at $12


Washing 10 months at $2


Medical attendance and Medicines


Rent of fixed Room Furniture


Uniform Clothing, 1 Cloth Suit


Uniform Clothing, 1 suit of jeans


Summer clothing


2 pairs of shoes


Straw hat and forage cap


Text Books and Stationery






Absolutely necessary expenses


The appropriation by the Legislature for the two next years, amounts to $283 per annum for each State Cadet, and the amount is distributed as above. It is probable you may absolutely require more clothing, and also that you should have other minor articles such as letter envelops, postage stamps, ferry money when you go to church or for such like expenses and if possible you should deposit with the Treasurer a small sum of money, say about $25, to be disbursed by order of the Superintendent for your account. The articles enumerated as outfit should last four years.

No Cadet will be permitted to contract a debt without the written order of the Superintendent, and parents are earnestly requested to recognize no such debts as the Merchants here are well informed of this rule, and one of the chief objects of this Institution is to establish habits of order, system and economy.

As soon as you are examined and admitted you will be placed in a room with three or four other Cadets, provided in all respects like yourself, a copy of our printed regulations will be placed in your hands and you will he required to conform to them with absolute strictness. Every departure even in the slightest degree will be noticed, and will be marked with demerits according to its degree, and should your number of demerits exceed one hundred in six months you will be liable to dismission. In like manner any marked disobedience or disorderly conduct calculated to impair the discipline or bring discredit on the Institution will be followed by a summary dismission.

If however yon come with an earnest desire to obtain a good education, you will find your professors indulgent, patient and forbearing. Your success must depend entirely on yourself, for your teacher can only guide you in the right path to honor and fame.

This is peculiarly a State Institution. The Regulations encourage the practice of true Religion and Morality, and will aid you in the enjoyment of your religious duties, but there are no Religious Ceremonies connected with the Institution itself, and none can be compulsory. Ministers of the Gospel frequently visit it, in which event Cadets are encouraged to attend, but when such is not the case, the Cadets are permitted under proper restrictions to attend the Church of their choice in the town of Alexandria, three miles distant.

The Cadets are organized into companies and drilled, the first year as Soldiers, and in subsequent years as Corporals, Sergeants, Lieutenants, Captains and Field Officers. The daily routine of duties and discipline will be the same or similar to that of West Point, but our course of study will embrace more of the Classic Languages and Literature than is usually taught in Military Schools, however, this is not designed for professional Soldiers, but to train tip and prepare you for the high duties of a good citizen.

If you come, satisfied with this prospect, and are determined to reap the advantages thus afforded you by a generous State, you will find your course, though laborious, useful, honorable and pleasant, but if you paint to yourself a less honorable course, you had better change your mind and save the expense of a journey hither, and the cost of an outfit.

Iam, with respect,

Your obedient servant,
W. T. SHERMAN, Superintendent.

SOURCE: Walter L. Fleming, General W.T. Sherman as College President, p. 228-9

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