
Thursday, April 28, 2022

William Preston Smith to Governor Henry A. Wise, November 21, 1859—6 p.m.

Baltimore, Nov. 21st, 1859–6 o'clock P. M.
Hon. Henry A. Wise,
        Governor of Virginia,
                Charlestown, Va.

Our President, Mr. Garrett, requests me to advise you of his regret at the double annoyance of failing to receive the message, which you intended for him, and his inability, on that account, either to get us to make the necessary preparations for you, or to meet you in person at the Junction, as he would gladly have done. The missing dispatch has not even yet come to hand, and we have inquired very fully, though have been unable to learn where the delinquency rests. The President suggests that you should be advised of this, in order that you may cause the failure to be traced, with a view more particularly to preventing future omissions in the same quarter, which may prove even more embarrassing than this.

W. P. SMITH,                
Master Transportation,        
B. & O. R. R.

SOURCE: B. H. Richardson, Annapolis, Maryland, Publisher, Correspondence Relating to the Insurrection at Harper's Ferry, 17th October, 1859, p. 47-8

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