
Monday, May 30, 2022

Colonel Theophilus T. Garrard to Brigadier-General George H. Thomas, September 28, 1861—5 p.m.

CAMP WILDCAT, September 28, 1861-5 p.m.

Colonel Wolford has sent me a special messenger to notify you the rebels are within 8 miles or less of London. They suppose there are from 5,000 to 7,000; does not say whether they have artillery or not.

I am in camp one-half mile this side of the intrenchments, and will do our best to maintain our position. It is unnecessary for me to make any suggestions as to more men, as you will understand all.

Respectfully, your obedient servant,
T. T. GARRARD.        

P. S.—I will not seal this. I will authorize the messenger to show it to the commander of any troops he may meet. It is 13 miles from here to London.

T. T. GARRARD,        
Colonel, Third Regiment Volunteers.

SOURCE: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 4 (Serial No. 4), p. 280

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