
Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Excitement In Boston — published May 24, 1856

BOSTON, May 23.—The attack on Sumner yesterday creates great excitement here and throughout the State. The indignation is general and irrespective of party. The first account of the affair, received by telegraph, was read in the House of Representatives yesterday, and caused much excitement. It is not improbable that some public action will be taken. This morning, a rumor that Sumner was dead gained credence, and cause most intense anxiety.


BOSTON, May 23.—In the House of Representatives this morning, Mr. Temple (American) offered an order for the appointment of a joint special committee to consider what action should be taken in reference to the assault upon Senator Sumner. The order was unanimously adopted, and the committee appointed on the part of the house. It was then sent to the Senate for the concurrence of that body.

A public meeting of citizens has been called for this evening to consider the matter.

SOURCE: Richmond Daily Whig, Richmond Virginia, Saturday Morning, May 24, 1856, p. 1

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