
Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Senator Sumner Chastised by Mr. Brooks, of South Carolina — published May 23, 1856

WASHINGTON, May 22.—Immediately after the adjournment of congress to-day, while Mr. Sumner of Mass., was still in the Senate Chamber, he was approached by Hon. Preston S. Brooks, member of Congress from South Carolina, who accused him of libeling his State and slandering his grey-headed relative, Judge Butler, and then immediately struck him with his cane. Sumner fell to the floor, and the blows were repeated until he was deprived of the power of speech. No one interfered until the chastisement was effected. Mr. Sumner was then conveyed to his room. It is not yet ascertained wither his injuries are of a serious character or not.

Mr. Brooks appeared before Justice Hollingshead and was held to bail in the sum of $500 for his appearance to-morrow.


WASHINGTON, May 22, P. M.—Some eye witnesses say that Mr. Brooks struck Mr. Sumner as many as fifty times, mainly on his head. Sumner, who was sitting in an arm chair when the assault was made, is suffering much from the effects of the chastisement.

SOURCE: Richmond Daily Whig, Richmond Virginia, Friday Morning, May 23, 1856, p. 3

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