
Saturday, July 30, 2022

William T. Sherman to David F. Boyd, September 30, 1860

LANCASTER, OHIO, Sept. 30, 1860.

I am much obliged to your letters which have kept me easy. Time now begins to approach the season of action, and I see no better cause for me to pursue that what I have heretofore designated. By the way all the books, text and library, are already en route to Converse, Kennett and Co., New Orleans, from New York, and the regulations ought to be done and shipped to-morrow. So that by or before October 15 everything we need will be there.

My orders are to ship to Pineville if possible and by the Picayune I see that occasionally a boat gets up to Alexandria. But if on my arrival there I find all our things I will promptly write to you to send to me at mouth of Red River four or five wagons and my horse, that out of the whole I may select the books, bedding, and hardware necessary and leave the balance to follow when navigation opens. The arms will be delivered at Alexandria by Uncle Sam, and if freight is excessive we don't care.

My own preference is that our cadets should not exceed one hundred and fifty in number and I doubt if we can do them or ourselves justice if in greater number. Tell Manning if he or Smith intend to engineer the Seminary through, they must look well to this question of number. Have new mess hall tables made, same width as the others but four feet shorter, because four of the present length in a row make too close a fit. Tell Manning that I hope the mere manner of appointment did not defeat the assistant professor of mathematics. Such an officer should be there the very day we begin. Even if his qualifications are limited to arithmetic. Our teaching must be practical and adapted to the capacity of the cadets, and all hands must recite daily in mathematics, and it is a physical impossibility for Vallas to hear all or half. I have been quite sick, bad cold and some of the bilious that was in me all spring, but I feel better now, though my face is much broken out with four blisters.

This week is a busy one for our village – fair, races, etc. This country has thirty thousand people, town six thousand, the finest farms in the world, and such horses and cattle as would do you good to see. We have men here who can afford to own such stock as “Fashion,” and one of our men imported an eight thousand dollar English horse, “Bonnie Scotland,” which is a beauty.

At this instant the Prince of Wales is in Cincinnati. Some of the ladies wanted me to go down one hundred and twenty miles to see him, but I begged off and they got other escort. He is having a jolly good time and enjoys his trip exceedingly, as he should, for he makes his progress during fine weather and when fruits are at perfection. I would like to see the youth, but will trust to the newspapers for a description.

My brother John continues to circulate, making Republican speeches and everybody says that in case Lincoln be elected he will have a high seat in the synagogue. Judging from the mere local clamor here, and remembering the wild and foolish schism in the Democratic Party it is more than probable that Lincoln will be elected. But there is so wide a difference between the Seward Republicans and Corwin Republicans that in case of success the party will break into flinders worse than the old Whig Party used to do—and then will begin the war of the Roses.

Which wing of the Democratic Party is the Simon pure? That seems now the only effort of the Democrats north—is to try and see which wing of the party shall be construed as the true heir to the rights and glory of the old Democratic Party. Douglas here is the Democratic but in the South Breckenridge is.

The truth is that the present territories—Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, and the desert—ain't worth quarrelling over, and practically nobody can be tempted to go there except as governor, marshal, judge, etc., of supposed future states. No sensible man with liberty of choice would think of taking his slaves there. Consequently all this clamor about rights in territories is a theoretical one, but as you say it involves a principle and therefore is contended for.

If any calamity should befall our country in this question, the future historian would have the pleasant task of chronicling the downfall of the Great Republic, because one class of would not permit theoretically another class of to go, where neither party had the most remote intention to go, for I take it that no sensible man except an army officer who could not help himself ever went to Utah, New Mexico, or Arizona, or even proposes to do so. And as our dominions now reach the Pacific, and our frontiers are all “rectified” we have no further necessity of taking in any more "worthless Mexican waste land."

I hope therefore that the result of this angry controversy will be no more extension of territory, but that all states will confine their efforts to perfecting and improving their internal resources. You can readily understand that I am sick of this war of prejudice. Here the prejudice is that planters have nothing else to do but hang abolitionists and hold lynch courts. There, that all the people of Ohio are engaged in stealing and running off negroes. The truth is they both do injustice to the other; and if all would forget and mind their respective interests, it would be found that slave and all other property in the United States are now at a most prosperous standard.

Yesterday I was out all day with my boys gathering nuts. I had a single horse spring-wagon and filled it with black walnuts and chestnuts - and what with roasting, boiling, and eating chestnuts there is no peace in the house. When I began the young ones had gone to church but they are back now, and it requires more nerve to write in the midst of their noises than if a regimental band were in full career.

Mrs. Sherman has put up for me an amount of currant jelly, quince jelly, and marmalade and all sorts of preserves – but I doubt if I can take them down. If Red River were navigable I would send them down to New Orleans from Cincinnati to Kennett and have him reship them. I am trying to stop smoking. It and bad food had reduced me to a skeleton, and I am still thin. I was fifteen pounds lighter than ever before in my life when I reached home. I had paid no attention to it and Mrs. Sherman thinks I am so careless of what I eat, that she really believes we are starved down there. I don't know what she will think when she has to depend on Schwartzenberg and Alexandria for her daily supplies.

I know they are well off here and therefore shall leave them statu quo till I send for them, but in the meantime will myself occupy the house built for me, though I still think Vallas' house should be plastered and painted first, and Mills can do so. I take it the plastering will all be done before I arrive and that one and may be two coats of paint on. The moment I arrive at New Orleans I will write you whether I want the wagons sent to the mouth of Red River. The distance is sixty-five miles, time three days, load say two thousand pounds for two yoke. Total time of trip one week - about twenty dollars a load which would be three dollars a day—or better one dollar the hundred, about that. There will be fourteen boxes of books, eighty rolls of bed and about six hundred weight of sundries. Keep your mind on four or five wagons. Wagons should have covers.

Write me very fully by the 12th October care of Kennett, Blood and Co., New Orleans, on these points – that I may act with the greatest chance of economy and certainty. Only make a written charter party, and allow for lay days at a price at the mouth. If you have one of those two hundred dollar checks left or any means of drawing send me some by letter as I shall be hard up on arrival at New Orleans; let me know also then who is vice-president. 

SOURCES: Walter L. Fleming, General W.T. Sherman as College President, p. 288-92

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