
Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Diary of Private Richard R. Hancock: Thursday, October 24, 1861

The infantry and artillery moved on in the direction of Camp Buckner. A part of Brazelton's Battalion was left on the London road a short distance north-west of Barboursville.

Colonel McNairy ordered Captain Allison to take his company and picket the road leading east from Barboursville in the direction of Mount Pleasant. Going about one mile and a half from town, Allison ordered his company to halt, except five men who were ordered to take post about half a mile in advance of the picket base. About the time the company had dismounted and tied up their horses, our pickets commenced firing, only about four hundred yards from us. In less than three minutes we were in the saddle again, and going in a dash to see what the trouble was.

We soon learned that our pickets had seen only one man, who, on being ordered to halt, took to the bushes. They fired about four shots at him, but he made good his escape. We then returned to where we had first dismounted, but did not unsaddle that night.

SOURCE: Richard R. Hancock, Hancock's Diary: Or, A History of the Second Tennessee Confederate Cavalry, p. 65-6

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