
Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Official Reports of the Campaign in North Alabama and Middle Tennessee, November 14, 1864-January 23, 1865: No. 237. — Report of Lieut. Gen. Stephen D. Lee, C. S. Army, commanding Army Corps, of operations November 2-December 17, 1864.

No. 237.

Report of Lieut. Gen. Stephen D. Lee, C. S. Army, commanding Army Corps,
of operations November 2-December 17, 1864.

COLUMBUS, MISS., January 30, 1865.

COLONEL: I have the honor to offer the following as my official report of the operations of my corps during the offensive movement commencing at Palmetto Station, Ga., September 29, 1864:

It is impracticable now, in consequence of the movement of troops and my temporary absence from the army, to obtain detailed reports from my division commanders.1

My corps remained at Florence [from November 2] till November 20, when the army commenced moving for Tennessee, my command leading the advance, and marching in the direction of Columbia via Henryville and Mount Pleasant. I arrived in front of Columbia on the 26th, relieving Forrest's cavalry, then in position there, which had followed the enemy from Pulaski. The force of the enemy occupying Columbia was two corps. They confined themselves to their main works around the city, and their outposts and skirmishers were readily driven in.

On the night of the 27th the enemy evacuated Columbia and crossed Duck River. Stevenson's division, of my corps, entered the town before daylight. After crossing the enemy took a strong position on the opposite side of the river and intrenched, his skirmishers occupying rifle-pits 250 yards from the river. There was considerable skirmishing across the river during the day and some artillery firing, resulting in nothing of importance.

On the morning of the 29th Johnson's division, of my corps, was detached and ordered to report to the general commanding. I was directed to engage and occupy the enemy near Columbia, while the other two corps and Johnson's division would be crossed above and moved to the rear of the enemy in the direction of Spring Hill. The entire force of the enemy was in front of Columbia till about midday on the 29th, when one corps commenced moving off, the other remaining in position as long as they could be seen by us or even till dark. I had several batteries of artillery put in position to drive the skirmishers of the enemy from the vicinity of the river-bank, and made a display of pontoons, running several of them down to the river under a heavy artillery and musketry fire. Having succeeded in putting a boat in the river, Pettus' brigade, of Stevenson's division, was thrown across, under the immediate direction of Major-General Stevenson, and made a most gallant charge on the rifle-pits of the enemy, driving a much superior force and capturing the pits. The bridge was at once laid down and the crossing commenced.

During the affair around Columbia the gallant and accomplished soldier, Col. R. F. Beckham, commanding the artillery regiment of my corps, was mortally wounded while industriously and fearlessly directing the artillery firing against the enemy. He was one of the truest and best officers in the service.

The enemy left my front about 2.30 a.m. on the morning of the 30th, and the pursuit was made as rapidly as was possible in the night time. The advance of Clayton's division arrived at Spring Hill about 9 a.m., when it was discovered that the enemy had made his escape, passing around that portion of the army in that vicinity. My corps, including Johnson's division, followed immediately after Cheatham's toward Franklin. I arrived near Franklin about 4 p.m. The commanding general was just about attacking the enemy with Stewart's and Cheatham's corps, and he directed me to place Johnson's division, and afterward Clayton's, in position to support the attack. Johnson moved in rear of Cheatham's corps; and finding that the battle was stubborn General Hood instructed me to go forward in person to communicate with General Cheatham, and if necessary to put Johnson's division in the fight. I met General Cheatham about dark, and was informed by him that assistance was needed at once. Johnson was at once moved forward to the attack, but owing to the darkness and want of information as to the locality his attack was not felt by the enemy till about one hour after dark. This division moved against the enemy's breastworks under a heavy fire of artillery and musketry, gallantly driving the enemy from portions of his line. The brigades of Sharp and Brantly (Mississippians) and of Deas (Alabamians) particularly distinguished themselves. Their dead were mostly in the trenches and on the works of the enemy, where they nobly fell in a desperate hand-to-hand conflict. Sharp captured three stand of colors. Brantly was exposed to a severe enfilade fire. These noble brigades never faltered in this terrible night struggle.

Brigadier-General Manigault, commanding a brigade of Alabamians and South Carolinians, was severely wounded in this engagement while gallantly leading his troops to the fight, and of his two successors in command, Colonel Shaw was killed and Colonel Davis wounded. I have never seen greater evidences of gallantry than was displayed by this division, under command of that admirable and gallant soldier, Maj. Gen. Ed. Johnson.

The enemy fought gallantly and obstinately at Franklin, and the position he held was, for infantry defense, one of the best I have ever seen.

The enemy evacuated Franklin hastily during the night of the 30th. My corps commenced the pursuit about 1 p.m. on December 1, and arrived near Nashville about 2 p.m. on the 2d. The enemy had then occupied the works around the city. My command was the center of the army in front of Nashville, Cheatham's corps being on my right and Stewards on my left. Nothing of importance occurred till the 15th. The army was engaged in intrenching and strengthening its position. On the l5th the enemy moved out on our left, and a serious engagement was soon commenced. In my immediate front the enemy still kept up his skirmish line, though it was evident that his main force had been moved. My line was much extended, the greater part of my command being in single rank. About 12 m. I was instructed to assist Lieutenant-General Stewart, and I commenced withdrawing troops from my line to send to his support. I sent him Johnson's entire division, each brigade starting as it was disengaged from the works. A short time before sunset the enemy succeeded in turning General Stewart's position, and a part of my line was necessarily changed to conform to his new line. During the night Cheatham's corps was withdrawn from my right and moved to the extreme left of the army. The army then took position about one mile in rear of its original line, my corps being on the extreme right. I was instructed by the commanding general to cover and hold the Franklin pike—Clayton's division occupied my right, Stevenson's my center, and Johnson's my left. It was evident soon after daylight that a large force of the enemy was being concentrated in my front on the Franklin pike.

About 9 a.m. on the 16th the enemy, having placed a large number of guns in position, opened a terrible artillery fire on my line, principally on the Franklin pike. This lasted about two hours, when the enemy moved to the assault. They came up in several lines of battle. My men reserved their fire until they were within easy range, and then delivered it with terrible effect. The assault was easily repulsed. It was renewed, however, several times with spirit, but only to meet each time with a like result. They approached to within thirty yards of our line, and their loss was very severe. Their last assault was made about 3.30 p.m., when they were driven back in great disorder. The assaults were made principally in front of Holtzclaw's (Alabama), Gibson's (Louisiana), and Stovall's (Georgia) brigades, of Clayton's division, and Pettus' (Alabama) brigade, of Stevenson's division, and too much credit cannot be awarded Major-General Clayton and these gallant troops for their conspicuous and soldierly conduct.

The enemy made a considerable display of force on my extreme right during the day, evidently with the intention of attempting to turn our right flank. He made, however, but one feeble effort to use this force, when it was readily repulsed by Stovall's and Brantly's brigades, which had been moved to the right. Smith's division, of Cheatham's corps, reported to me about 2 p.m. to meet any attempt of the enemy to turn our right flank. It was put in position, but was not needed, and, by order of the commanding general, it started to Brentwood about 3.30 p.m.

The artillery fire of the enemy during the entire day was very heavy, and right nobly did the artillery of my corps, under Lieutenant-Colonel Hoxton, perform their duty. Courtney's battalion, under Captain Douglas, was in Johnson's front; Johnston's battalion was in Stevenson's front; and Eldridge's battalion, under Captain Turner, was in Clayton's front. The officers and men of the artillery behaved admirably. Too much praise cannot be bestowed upon this efficient arm of the service in the Army of Tennessee.

The troops of my entire line were in fine spirits and confident of success--so much so that the men could scarcely be prevented from leaving their trenches to follow the enemy on and near the Franklin pike; but suddenly all eyes were turned to the center of our line of battle near the Granny White pike, where it was evident the enemy had made an entrance, although but little firing had been heard in that direction. Our men were flying to the rear in the wildest confusion, and the enemy following with enthusiastic cheers. The enemy at once closed toward the gap in our line and commenced charging on the left division (Johnson's) of my corps, but were handsomely driven back. The enemy soon gained our rear, and was moving on my left flank, when my line gradually gave way. My troops left their line in some disorder, but were soon rallied and presented a good front to the enemy. It was a fortunate circumstance that the enemy was too much crippled to pursue us on the Franklin pike. The only pursuit made at that time was by a small force coming from the Granny White pike.

Having been informed by an aide of the general commanding that the enemy was near Brentwood, and that it was necessary to get beyond that point at once, everything was hastened to the rear. When Brentwood was passed the enemy was only half a mile from the Franklin pike, where Chalmers' cavalry was fighting them. Being charged with covering the retreat of the army, I remained in rear with Stevenson's and part of Clayton's division, and halted the rear guard about seven miles north of Franklin about 10 p.m. on the 16th.

Early on the morning of the 17th our cavalry was driven in in confusion by the enemy, who at once commenced a most vigorous pursuit, his cavalry charging at every opportunity and in the most daring manner. It was apparent that they were determined to make the retreat a rout if possible. Their boldness was soon checked by many of them being killed and captured by Pettus' (Alabama) and Stovall's (Georgia) brigades and Bledsoe's battery, under General Clayton. Several guidons were captured in one of their charges. I was soon compelled to withdraw rapidly toward Franklin, as the enemy was throwing a force in my rear from both the right and left of the pike on roads coming into the pike near Franklin and five miles in my rear. This force was checked by Brigadier-General Gibson with his brigade and a regiment of Buford's cavalry under Colonel Shacklett. The resistance which the enemy had met with early in the morning, and which materially checked his movement, enabled us to reach Franklin with but little difficulty. Here the enemy appeared in considerable force and exhibited great boldness, but he was repulsed, and the crossing of the Harpeth River effected. I found that there was in the town of Franklin a large number of our own and of the enemy's wounded, and not wishing to subject them and the town to the fire of the enemy's artillery, the place was yielded with but little resistance. Some four or five hours were gained by checking the enemy one mile and a half south of Franklin and by the destruction of the trestle bridge over the Harpeth, which was effected by Captain Coleman, the engineer officer on my staff, and a party of pioneers, under a heavy fire of the enemy's sharpshooters. About 4 p.m. the enemy, having crossed a considerable force, commenced a bold and vigorous attack, charging with his cavalry on our flanks and pushing forward his lines in our front. A more persistent effort was never made to rout the rear guard of a retiring column. This desperate attack was kept up till long after dark, but gallantly did the rear guard--consisting of Pettus' (Alabama) and Cumming's (Georgia) brigades, the latter commanded by Colonel Watkins, of Stevenson's division, and under that gallant and meritorious officer Maj. Gen. C. L. Stevenson--repulse every attack. Brigadier-General Chalmers with his division of cavalry covered our flanks. The cavalry of the enemy succeeded in getting in Stevenson's rear, and attacked Major-General Clayton's division about dark, but they were handsomely repulsed, Gibson's and Stovall's brigades being principally engaged-Some four five guidons were captured from the enemy during the even ing. About 1 p.m. I was wounded while with the rear guard, but did not relinquish command of my corps till dark. Most of the details in conducting the retreat from that time were arranged and executed by Major-General Stevenson, to whom the army is much indebted for his skill and gallantry during the day.

I cannot close this report without alluding particularly to the conduct of the artillery of my corps on the 16th. Sixteen guns were lost on the lines. The greater portion of them were without horses, they having been disabled during the day. Many of the carriages were disabled also. The noble gunners, reluctant to leave their guns, fought the enemy in many instances till they were almost within reach of the guns.

Maj. Gen. Ed. Johnson was captured on the 16th. Being on foot he was unable to make his escape from the enemy in consequence of an old wound. He held his line as long as it was practicable to do so. The Army of Tennessee has sustained no greater loss than that of this gallant and accomplished soldier.

To my division commanders--Stevenson, Johnson, and Clayton--I am indebted for the most valuable services; they were always zealous in discharge of their duties.

Although it is my desire to do so, I cannot now allude to the many conspicuous acts of gallantry exhibited by general, field, and company officers and by different commands; it is my intention to do so in future when detailed reports are received.

To the officers of my personal staff, and also of the corps staff, I am indebted for valuable services; they were always at their posts and ready to respond to the call of duty.

Yours, respectfully,
S. D. LEE,        
Lieut. Col. A. P. MASON,
        Assistant Adjutant-General, Army of the Tennessee.


Report of casualties in Johnson's division in battle of November 30, 1864, at Franklin, Tenn.






Deas' brigade





Manigault's brigade





Sharp's brigade





Brantly's brigade





Total infantry.










Artillery battalion





Grand total





ED. JOHNSON,        
Major-General, Commanding.

NEAR NASHVILLE, TENN., December 3, 1864.

1 For portion of report here omitted, see Vol. XXXIX, part 1, p. 810.

SOURCE: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 45, Part 1 (Serial No. 93), p. 686-91

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