
Monday, August 1, 2022

Theophilus T. Garrard to Brigadier-General George H. Thomas, October 18, 1861—1 p.m.

CAMP WILDCAT, October 18, 1861—1 p.m.

I have information now beyond doubt that Zollicoffer is coming on with a large force and six pieces artillery.

I saw the colonel of the Indiana regiment last night at the river when Mr. Faulkner left. I insisted on his returning to his regiment and coming up and joining me immediately. He said he could not do so unless he was ordered by you.

I am now making arrangements to move my sick and comissary's stores across the river, and intend, if I do not receive more troops, to abandon this place and retreat towards Camp Robinson. I have no idea of having my men butchered up here, where they have a force of six or seven to one, with artillery. I would like to hear from you immediately.

Very respectfully,
T. T. GARRARD,        
Colonel Third Regiment Kentucky Volunteers.

SOURCE: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 4 (Serial No. 4), p. 310

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