
Monday, October 17, 2022

Acting Brigiadier-General Samuel P. Carter to Horace Maynard, November 21, 1861

Camp Calvert, near London, Ky., November 21, 1861.

DEAR SIR: The copy of Evening Star received this evening assures me you have not forgotten me.

We are still here, together with Third Regiment Kentucky Volunteers. Why all the other forces were withdrawn is a question to be answered at Louisville. By the papers you will have seen that we, too, left on the night of the 13th, by orders of General Schoepf, in company with the Ohio and Indiana troops, as it seemed, by orders which should have been given me that day, but which were not received until two days afterwards, not only unnecessarily, but contrary to General Thomas' directions.

I was intensely mortified at the hesitancy of some of our Tennesseeans to move on when they found they had to take the road leading to Crab Orchard. They had got the impression we were returning to Camp Robinson to winter, but after I spoke a few words to them they obeyed the order to march. Many fell out during the night and some deserted. Our losses amount to about 40 to 45. We were without transportation, and were forced to leave almost the entire camp standing and every one of our sick behind. The roads were in a terrible state, and large numbers of men from the various regiments fell out on the way from sheer exhaustion. When I reached Dr. Josslin's I learned for the first time we were to return to this place.

Our men are most anxious to return to Eastern Tennessee, not so much to see their families as to drive the rebels from the country. We are all inclined to think that help will be deferred until it is too late to save our people. This ought not to be so.

Two or three batteries and 10,000 men, provided even with powder and lead for the people, could save Eastern Tennessee at this time. Will help never come?

General Thomas has left Crab Orchard, and we are here to look out for ourselves. To-night I have sent out between 600 and 700 men in the direction of Flat Lick, 8 miles above Barboursville, to try and cut off some of the thieving rebel scouts and to gain correct intelligence of their whereabouts.

I think it probable that we shall in a few days move on Somerset. I have no information as to the plans of General Buell. Can you not get those in power to give us a few more men and permission to make at least an effort to save our people? Do try. They are even now in arms, and must be crushed unless assistance soon reaches them.

Two men came in from Carter this evening who have been nearly six weeks on the way.

With respect, yours, truly,

[Indorsement. ]

DECEMBER 3, 1861.
Please read and consider this letter.
A. L.

SOURCE: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 7 (Serial No. 7), p. 468-9

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