
Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Brigadier-General Felix K. Zollicoffer to Colonels Sidney S. Stanton, John P. Murray and George R. McClellan, October 31, 1861

Cumberland Gap, October 31, 1861.

Colonel S. S. STANTON, Colonel MURRAY, and Colonel McCLELLAN,
        Near Jamestown:

Lieutenant-Colonel Mackall, General Johnston's assistant adjutant-general, telegraphs from Bowling Green that "Stanton has been ordered to Wolden Pass; also the available force of Murray and Bledsoe to Jamestown, Tenn. Both come under your [my] orders."

Where Wolden Pass is I do not know. It is important I should immediately have a perfect understanding and communication with Colonels Stanton and Murray and Captain Bledsoe. There is reason to believe the enemy intends advancing in force upon East Tennessee. Whether the route by Cumberland Gap, by Jacksborough, or by Jamestown will be selected, cannot be definitely determined. I have seven cavalry companies scouting back to Barboursville on this road, four back to Williamsburg on the Jacksborough route, and I wish Lieutenant Colonel McClellan to scout on the  road from Jamestown back to Monticello, and, if practicable, to Sta[e]gall's Ferry, to get the earliest possible reliable information of the enemy, and communicate it to me by express messengers. I am moving two regiments to Jacksborough this morning. Two others will be placed at Big Creek Gap. Four will remain here or in the neighborhood.

I wish Colonel Stanton and Colonel Murray to take a strong position near Jamestown and throw up entrenchments, looking to the protection of the commissary stores and the stopping the enemy’s advance. Let the cavalry communicate to them promptly any intelligence received; and if any movement of the enemy is made in force, let information be given to me and to General Albert S. Johnston simultaneously by the quickest possible mode of conveyance.

Very respectfully,
F. K. ZOLLICOFFER,        

SOURCE: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 4 (Serial No. 4), p. 493-4

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