
Thursday, November 24, 2022

William Preston Smith to A. P. Shutt, November 29, 1859

Cumberland, Nov. 29, 1859.
A. P. Shutt,
        Harper's Ferry.

Did you take the gentlemen to Charlestown, to-day? Did they see the prisoners? Have the private car cared for while they may be absent from it, or it may be entered and robbed. Tell the Agent of the Winchester Company they can have the use of the two passenger cars we left at Harper's Ferry to-day, if they require them until Saturday morning next. Explain this to Mr. Donohoo.

Col. Lee with 250 U. S. troops from Fortress Munroe, leave Baltimore by special train, Mail time to-morrow, as a further protection to government property at Ferry.

Telegraph me fully here, to-night, if anything of interest is on foot. Tell all newspaper men reports of our trains being invaded generally by armed men are untrue. I expect to be down on Express train to-morrow night and would like to see you as I pass. It is important that our telegraph office and its business should be much more private than it is. All idlers or others not having business there must be kept out, and if necessary ask Capt. Barton, or some State officer to post sentinels there.


SOURCE: B. H. Richardson, Annapolis, Maryland, Publisher, Correspondence Relating to the Insurrection at Harper's Ferry, 17th October, 1859, p. 59-60

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