
Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Official Reports of the Campaign in North Alabama and Middle Tennessee, November 14, 1864-January 23, 1865: No. 246. — Reports of Maj. Gen. Edward C. Walthall, C. S. Army, commanding division and rear guard of infantry, of operations November 20, 1864-January 8, 1865.

No. 246.

Reports of Maj. Gen. Edward C. Walthall, C. S. Army, commanding division and rear guard of infantry, of operations November 20, 1864-January 8, 1865.

Verona, Miss., January 14, 1865.

I respectfully submit the following report of the operations of my command from the 18th of July, 1864, till the close of the campaign in Tennessee:1

At this point [South Florence] on 20th [November] we crossed the Tennessee River on a pontoon bridge and went on with the corps by a route intermediate between Lawrenceburg and Waynesborough, over roads so bad that it was almost impossible for the artillery to move at all, the teams being very poor and greatly exhausted from constant and excessive service. Until we struck the old Nashville road heavy details (sometimes one, and often two regiments) were required to move with the artillery to assist in getting it up the bills. After this we got along with less difficulty, and passing through Mount Pleasant on 26th, on 27th just beyond Pillow's place we turned off to the right and moved toward Pulaski pike to a point near Porter's house, when my command was halted, and the enemy being in line around Columbia, skirmishers were thrown forward. The enemy withdrew the night of 27th to the north side of Duck River, and at daylight the skirmish line was advanced into town.

On the morning of 29th, at an early hour, my command, following Loring's, crossed Duck River several miles above the town, and, without artillery or any wagons, except a few to carry a small supply of extra ammunition, by a forced march and circuitous route, reached a point after night to the right of and near the Franklin pike about a mile above Spring Hill. Here we were halted, and after remaining in the road till 10 or 11 o'clock were ordered to bivouac near where we then were.

The next morning we [were] ordered to move at daylight, and I followed the advance division to the pike, reaching which we moved rapidly toward Franklin, and when in sight of the range of hills south of the town we discovered they were occupied by the enemy. We thereupon left the pike; moved to the right through woods and fields until within about a mile and a quarter of the town. Here a line was formed to attack the enemy, who, by our last movement, had been compelled to withdraw to his works around the town. My command, now numbering but 1,400 guns, was the center of the corps, and presented two brigades front (Quarles' on the right and Reynolds' on the left), with Cantey's, under command of Brig. Gen. C. M. Shelley, in reserve. The advance was ordered about 4 o'clock, and my instructions were in making it to conform to the movements of the division on my right. There was an impenetrable brier thicket of considerable extent immediately in front of my left brigade, and Brigadier-General Reynolds was directed, when the line was put in motion, to make his way around it, and when he had gotten upon ground that would enable him to do so, to move up at double quick and resume his place in the line. After moving a short distance the line of the corps, which had become somewhat disordered by reason of the broken ground and undergrowth, when they had passed, was halted and reformed. Here Brigadier-General Shelley, whose brigade had followed Quarles', was directed to move up and take the position assigned to Brigadier-General Reynolds, who, without fault of himself or his command, had not been able to regain his place in the line by reason of the natural obstacles in the way of his march. Brigadier-General Shelley came promptly upon the line, and in a few moments afterward, when the entire line was rectified, the advance was resumed. Both officers and men seemed fully alive to the importance of beating the enemy here at any cost, and the line moved steadily forward until it neared his outer works, and then fell upon it so impetuously that the opposing force gave way without even retarding the advance and retired in disorder to the strong intrenchments in rear. There was an extensive, open, and almost unbroken plain between the outer and inner lines, across which we must pass to reach the latter. This was done under far the most deadly fire of both small-arms and artillery that I have ever seen troops subjected to. Terribly torn at every step by an oblique fire from a battery advantageously posted at the enemy's left, no less than by the destructive fire in front, the line moved on and did not falter till, just to the right of the pike, it reached the abatis fronting the works. Over this no organized force could go, and here the main body of my command, both front line and reserve, was repulsed in confusion; but over this obstacle, impassable for a solid line, many officers and men (among the former Brigadier-General Shelley) made their way, and some, crossing the ditch in its rear, were captured and others killed or wounded in the effort to mount the embankment. Numbers of every brigade gained the ditch and there continued the struggle with but the earth-work separating them from the enemy until late in the night.

No reports of brigade commanders have yet been received. These will be sent forward as soon as they reach me. The number killed, wounded, and missing in the several brigades has already been reported, and full lists will be forwarded with brigade reports.

Brigadier-General Quarles was severely wounded at the head of his brigade within a short distance of the enemy's inner line, and all his staff officers with him on the field were killed; and so heavy were the losses in his command that when the battle ended its officer highest in rank was a captain. I regret that I cannot here so present the details of this desperate conflict as to show how severely the courage and manhood of my troops were tested, and to give to the living and the dead the full measure of their honors well earned, though in defeat. Unequal to this, I am content to say that a bolder and steadier assault, or one more likely to prevail without greater numbers, could not have been made upon those formidable works than was made by the gallant and skillful brigade commanders of my division with the brave and faithful troops under their command.

My staff officers, it is but justice to them to say, acquitted themselves to my entire satisfaction, and in a manner extremely creditable to themselves. Two were disabled while efficiently discharging their trusts, and the others dismounted by shots from the enemy's line soon after the engagement commenced. My assistant adjutant-general, Capt. W. R. Barksdale, an officer distinguished alike for the intelligence and fearlessness with which all his official duties were performed, was seriously wounded just after the enemy was driven from his outer line, and Capt. H. Powell, my aide-de-camp—whose courage and accomplishments had endeared him to my whole command, but to none so much as myself, who had tested his fidelity in several trying scenes before—was shot through the body while bearing an important order and died soon after from the wound.

The enemy withdrew during the night, but not till after orders had been received to renew the attack next morning—the artillery, which had now come up from Columbia, to open at 7 o'clock and fire 100 rounds to the gun, and at 9 a general charge to be made by the entire army.

At 3 p.m. December 1 we moved across Harpeth River to the right of Franklin, and the next morning at daylight went forward on the pike toward Nashville, and when in a few miles of the city turned across to the Granny White pike, where we bivouacked, with skirmishers in front. Here we remained till the 4th, and then, our skirmish line having been pressed up as near the enemy's position as possible, my command was put in line near Gales' house, on the left of the Granny White pike and in the center of the corps. This line, after being intrenched, was abandoned on the night of the 10th and another adopted, and on the morning of the 15th my troops, then on the extreme left, were withdrawn to the neighborhood of Compton's house and there put in bivouac, and the space vacated filled by Major-General Loring extending to the left nearly to the Hillsborough pike.

I had been previously directed from time to time to furnish fatigue parties to work on some detached inclosed works, being constructed under the supervision of engineer officers of the corps, on a range of high points, whose general direction was nearly that of the Hillsborough pike, running back in rear of the left of the line. Lieutenant-General Stewart informed me that it was the design of the general commanding, in the event of attack, to man these works with detachments of 100 men, with artillery, to resist any effort that might be made to turn the left flank of the army. Between some of these points there were considerable intervals; in one case as much as 1,200 yards or more. Soon after my command was withdrawn from the main line it became evident that the enemy were preparing for attack in heavy force, and I received orders from the lieutenant-general commanding to man the two redoubts farthest from the main line, putting two pieces of artillery in that on the extreme left, there being four, under Captain Lumsden, already in the other. He further directed me to put my troops in position behind a stone fence along the Hillsborough pike, and to instruct the officers commanding in the redoubts to hold their position at all hazards. One hundred men from Quarles brigade were ordered into the redoubts on the extreme left and a like number from Cantey's into the other. When my command got into position it stood at right angles to the main line of the army, with Brigadier-General Reynolds on the right, Brigadier-General Shelley on the left, and in the center Quarles' brigade, commanded by Brig. Gen. George D. Johnston, who, after its proper commander had been disabled, had been assigned to it by my request. Between my right and Loring's division was Sears' brigade, of French's division. The left of my line was nearly opposite and several hundred yards in rear of the hill where Lumsden's battery was posted. I had no artillery on the line, as all of Major Trueheart's battalion, which had been serving with my command, except the six pieces in the redoubts, it had been found necessary to post at other points when guns were needed on the main line. Soon after my command was in position Lieutenant-General Stewart notified me that Col. D. Coleman, commanding Ector's brigade, of French's division, which had been supporting the cavalry on the left of the infantry line, had been ordered to report to me. I dispatched a staff officer to notify him of my whereabouts, and on his arrival put him in position on my left. About 11 o'clock the enemy, exposing a large force in my front, concentrated a heavy artillery fire on the redoubt in front of my left, and after keeping it up for about an hour, with great damage to the force within, moved upon it with a heavy body of infantry, enveloped the base of the hill, and by assault carried the position, which was well defended. Information having reached me that a force was moving up the Hillsborough pike, I communicated it to Lieutenant-General Stewart, who was near me at the moment, and, under his orders, Ector's brigade was sent down near Compton's house to hold the pike for the protection of my left flank. In a few moments after the first redoubt was taken the force in the second was overwhelmed by the enemy's infantry, and Ector's brigade, in position on the pike in its rear, was forced to withdraw. In doing so, a body of the enemy being now between it and the left of Cantey's brigade, it was cut off from my command, and posted, by order of General Hood, on a hill some distance to my left, which the enemy late in the day made an ineffectual effort to carry. When these redoubts were taken the enemy moved up in my front and shelled my troops heavily. He made no assault on my position, but threw a force across the pike into the woods near Compton's house and threatened my left. I detached Brigadier-General Reynolds with his brigade from my right, filling his place by extending the other two, and sent him to oppose this force. With his left connected with Cantey's brigade he formed his line diagonally across the woods, his left refused, and deployed his command to lengthen his front, as the enemy extended his lines still farther to our left. I sent Maj. D. W. Sanders, Major-General French's assistant adjutant- general, who had been serving with me during the day, to the lieutenant-general commanding to advise him of the situation of my line, and to say that unless Reynolds was supported he could not hold the enemy back with his attenuated line. He replied that he had already applied for troops to put on my left, who were reported on the way. Troops came, but the enemy were not checked. Reynolds, bravely resisting, was forced back, and it was with difficulty I withdrew my other two brigades to prevent their capture by the large force he had been opposing, which moved up in their rear. About dark, when the troops of the corps had been collected on the right of the Granny White pike, Brigadier-General Sears' brigade, commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Shotwell, numbering not more than 150 men, was temporarily attached to my command.

About 2 o'clock the following morning Major Foster, engineer officer of the corps, came to indicate my position in the new line which the army was taking up. My right rested on the Granny White pike, and my left connected with Bate's division, on the slope of a high wooded hill and near its foot, which Ector's brigade occupied the evening before. Brigadier-General Johnston, commanding Quarles' brigade, was on the right, and next line Brigadier-General Shelley, commanding Cantey's brigade, and Reynolds' brigade between him and Sears', which occupied the left. Ector's brigade was held in reserve under the cover of the hill on my left. Major Trueheart reported to me that he had a section of his artillery which he had succeeded in bringing off the day before, and, with the consent of Major-General Bate, I directed him to put it in position on the hill-side to my left, there being no suitable position for it on my own line, and this one enabling him to employ the guns in firing obliquely upon any force advancing on my position. Early in the morning from the high hill on my left I could see the enemy confronting us with two lines of infantry, well supplied with artillery, but during the forenoon nothing beyond a feeble assault was made on my front, but my troops all the while were subjected to a heavy cannonade and annoyed by a constant fire from the enemy's sharpshooters, but the concentrated artillery fire endured by the troops on the hill to my left was heavier, I observed, and seemed to be more effectual than that directed at any other point of the line within my view. At 12 m. I was directed to order Colonel Coleman, with his brigade, to report to the commanding general, and, at 3.15 p.m., to send Brigadier-General Reynolds, with his command, to Lieutenant-General Stewart, to be employed in opposing a force which had gained the rear of our left. These brigades, both of which did valuable [service] in holding the only passages through which many detachments of the army were afterward enabled to reach the Franklin pike, were not under my orders again during the day. By 4 o'clock a line was distinctly visible on the hills in our rear, covering much of our corps, which was the center in the army line. About this time the force in my front moved upon my position, but there was no spirit in the assault, and it was promptly repulsed without difficulty; but the hill to my left just then was carried, and to save any part of my command an immediate withdrawal was necessary. To produce confusion in its accomplishment, the proximity of the enemy's flanking column, which had been observed by the troops, and the distance and rugged ground between them and the Franklin pike, known to them to be their only outlet, tended and conspired. Everywhere within my view the disorder was great and general, but it was inevitable, the surroundings considered. At Brentwood, on the Franklin pike, the commanding general, seconded by officers from various commands, endeavored to gather up the fragments of his broken forces. The effort was attended with but partial success. Some time after dark we moved toward Franklin, arriving there about 3 o'clock the following morning.

The night of 17th we encamped near Spring Hill, and about 2 p.m. the next day the corps took position north of Duck River, to cover the crossing of the army on pontoon bridge at Columbia. Here we intrenched, Major-General Loring's division on the right and mine on the left, and remained till 11 o'clock on the night of the 19th, when we moved across the river and encamped a short distance from Columbia, on the Pulaski pike.

Early next morning reaching the quarters of the commanding general, in obedience to a message from him borne me by a member of his staff, he directed me, with a special command to be organized for the purpose, to report to Major-General Forrest to aid in covering the retreat of the army, then in motion toward Pulaski, his purpose being to cross the Tennessee river near Bainbridge, if practicable. This organization was made up of the following brigades, viz: Brig. Gen. W. S. Featherston's; Col. J. B. Palmer's; Strahl's brigade, commanded by Col. C. W. Heiskell; Smith's brigade, commanded by Colonel Olmstead, of Georgia; Maney's, commanded by Col. H. R. Feild; with three of my own command, namely, Brig. Gen. D. H. Reynolds'; Ector's, commanded by Col. D. Coleman; and Quarles', commanded by Brig. Gen. George D. Johnston. When these brigades were collected I reported to Major-General Forrest, as directed, and was not again under Lieutenant-General Stewart's orders till the evening of the 27th, when I was directed by him, after crossing Shoal Creek, two miles from Bainbridge, to take position at the ford and remain till further orders. The cavalry all crossed during the evening, and at 10 that night he ordered me to leave one brigade at the creek and move up and occupy the works covering the pontoon bridge, from which the rear division of the main army had just withdrawn. Leaving Reynolds' brigade, the balance of my command was carried to the position indicated, and there remained till daylight, when all crossed the river, and a detail was furnished to assist in taking up the pontoon bridge. The brigades of other commands that had been with me on the march from Columbia reported back to their proper divisions, and with my own three brigades and those that made up Major-General French's division, including Cockrell's, commanded by Colonel Flournoy, I moved toward Tuscumbia, passing that place and Iuka, on to Burnsville. We took the road to Tupelo, Miss., and reached its vicinity on January 8. The remnant of my command, after this campaign of unprecedented peril and hardship, reduced by its battles and exposure, worn and weary with its travel and its toil, numbered less when it reached its rest near Tupelo than one of its brigades had done eight months before.

In preparing this meagre outline of the operations of my command I have been able to furnish but an inadequate idea of what was done and endured by my brave and faithful troops in the arduous and eventful campaign here imperfectly sketched. The limits of such a report as is expected at this time do not enable me to make full mention of the hard marches and severer duties, in night time as well as in day, accomplished by my command during the time to which it refers, nor to do more than refer to the privations and trials bravely borne by my troops, ill clad and often shoeless, campaigning in the depths of a rigorous winter in Tennessee; but it is due to the officers who commanded the several brigades under me, and the artillery battalion which served with me, and the men they commanded, having witnessed their courage and endurance, their self-sacrifice and their fidelity, during the trials and dangers of this severe campaign, that I should here record my high appreciation of their conduct and services, and accord to them with my thanks my unqualified approval. All that their skill and courage, their labor and sufferings, could accomplish was freely given to reach results which could not be attained.

No subordinate reports have reached me later than those of the engagement on July 28. These will hereafter be sent up, with full lists of casualties, of which tabular statements have already been forwarded, and such details as cannot be incorporated in this paper.

On this campaign I was seconded by an efficient staff, always willing and fully competent to discharge any duties I assigned them, whether dangerous or difficult, and justice would be withheld were I to fail here to acknowledge my indebtedness for their faithful support and valuable service to those whose names appear below: Capt. W. R. Barksdale, assistant adjutant-general; Capt. George M. Govan, assistant inspec-tor-general; Lieut. A. F. Smith, assistant inspector-general; Lieut. H. Powell, aide-de-camp; Lieut. Robert D. Smith, ordnance officer; Maj. W. A. Rayburn, quartermaster; Capt. W. P. Davis, assistant quartermaster; Maj. S. H. Mulherrin, commissary of subsistence; Dr. W. L. Gammage, chief surgeon; Maj. D. W. Sanders and Lieut. E. T. Freeman, of Major-General French's staff, who served with me at Nashville; Capt. T.L. Bransford and Capt. W. D. Harden, ordnance officers, and Lieut. J. J. Kendall, Fourth Louisiana Regiment, who were of my staff while the army was near Atlanta; and Privates E. D. Clark, Fourth Louisiana Regiment, and George M. Walthall, of Chalmers' escort, who acted as my aides in the battle at Franklin, and the former on July 20 and 28 also.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant

E. C. WALTHALL,        
Capt. W. D. GALE,
        Assistant Adjutant-General.

December 10, 1864.

CAPTAIN: I respectfully report that the colors of the following regiments were lost in the engagement at Franklin:

Quarles' brigade: First Alabama Regiment, Fifty-third Tennessee Regiment, Forty-second Tennessee Regiment.

The color-bearers of these regiments were either killed or captured after having crossed the enemy's interior line of works.

Respectfully, captain, your obedient servant,
E. C. WALTHALL,        
Capt. W. D. GALE,
        Assistant Adjutant-General.

Tabular statement of casualties in Walthall's division in engagement of November 30, at Franklin, Tenn.   













General staff  








Quarles' brigade








Cantey's brigade








Reynolds' brigade
















Respectfully submitted.
E. C. WALTHALL,        

Burnsville, Miss., January 3, 1865.

I respectfully submit the following report of the operations of my command from the time I reported to Major-General Forrest, at Columbia, Tenn., on the retreat from Nashville, until I rejoined my proper corps:

On the morning of the 20th of December, when the main body of the army had commenced moving from Columbia, I was informed by the general commanding that to three brigades of my own command he had ordered five others to be added, and he directed me with these troops to report to Major-General Forrest for service under his orders in covering the retreat of the army. I reported accordingly with the following brigades: Brig. Gen. W. S. Featherston's; Col. J. B. Palmer's; Strahl's, commanded by Col. C. W. Heiskell; Smith's, commanded by Col. C. H. Olmstead; Maney's, commanded by Col. H. R. Feild; Brig. Gen. D. H. Reynolds'; Ector's, commanded by Col. D. Coleman; and Quarles', commanded by Brig. Gen. George D. Johnston--the last three belonging to my own division. These brigades were all greatly reduced in numbers, and deeming it expedient to consolidate them, that the command might be more wieldy and compact, I organized them thus: Palmer's and Smith's brigades, under Colonel Palmer; Maney's and Strahl's, under Colonel Feild; Reynolds' and Ector's, under Brigadier-General Reynolds; and Featherston's and Quarles', under Brigadier-General Featherston. All the wagons of these brigades, except ordnance wagons and a few to transport a limited supply of cooking utensils, were sent to the rear with the main army train.

During the afternoon I was directed by Major-General Forrest to send 200 men to picket along Duck River in front of Columbia, from the old mill, about a half mile above where our pontoon bridge had rested, to the fort, this to be continued till further orders. The enemy had appeared beyond the river in the forenoon, but made no demonstration except to use his artillery for a short time upon the town, doing no damage of consequence. No effort was made to effect a crossing in my front, and nothing of interest occurred during that day or the next.

On the morning of 22d the officer in charge of my picket-line notified me that a detachment of the enemy's force had crossed the river some distance above the mill. I sent Colonel Feild with his command to protect the right of my picket-line, and the rest of my troops were being put under arms, when a communination reached me from Major-General Forrest, informing me that the enemy had laid down pontoon between one and two miles above the town and that several hundred had crossed. A few moments later the general came up, and after some little time spent in ascertaining the strength and probable purpose of the enemy, he directed me to put my command in motion on the pike leading toward Pulaski. Reaching a point within two miles and a half from Lynnville, I then took a position, by his direction, as a support for the cavalry, with which he operated in front, and remained there till sunrise on the 24th, when the march was resumed. I was directed when I arrived at Richland Creek to prepare to hold the crossing should the cavalry, which was retiring slowly, be so pressed as to make it necessary for them to pass over before night. I posted my command in strong position on the creek, about seven miles from Pulaski, and remained there till 8 o'clock at night, when I was ordered to retire to the outer line of earth-works, near the town. I remained there till daylight next morning, when I withdrew, and passing through Pulaski left the pike and took the road leading to Bainbridge, on the Tennessee River. The roads now were almost impassable, and the artillery and the few wagons which made our train were moved with considerable difficulty. We soon began to overhaul straggling wagons belonging to the train of the main army, and these, when practicable, were carried on with us, thus somewhat embarrassing our own movements. The enemy, with a heavy mounted force, as soon as we got on the dirt road at Pulaski, began to press us with boldness and vigor. It was determined to turn upon him, and as an advantageous position for this, a line was selected [25th] on Anthony's Hill, about seven miles from Pulaski. Here Featherston's and Palmer's commands, with a brigade of cavalry on either flank, were put in ambush to await the enemy's approach, Reynolds' and Feild's being reserved for support. So broken is the ground at that point, and so densely wooded, that there was no difficulty in effectually concealing the troops. A line no thicker than a strong line of skirmishers was exposed, which the enemy promptly engaged, and when it proved stubborn he dismounted part of his troops and made a charge. When the attacking force neared the troops lying in wait for them the latter delivered a destructive fire, and a section of artillery belonging to the cavalry, concealed near by, opened upon it with considerable effect. The enemy retreated in disorder, and my command, by prompt pursuit, captured a number of prisoners and horses and one piece of artillery. About sunset we withdrew from this position, and at 11 o'clock reached Sugar Creek, where we camped. Here we came upon a large part of the army ordnance train, which had been delayed at this point, as we were informed, that the mules which belonged to it might be used to aid in moving the pontoon train to the river. This last having reached the river, the mules had been returned and the ordnance train moved on at an early hour next morning. Soon after it left I learned from Major-General Forrest that the enemy, not more than a mile off, were still pressing the cavalry, and that it would be necessary for the infantry at this point to dispute his advance. About sunrise [26th] Reynolds and Feild were put in position between the two crossings of the creek, and Featherston and Palmer were posted on a strong point immediately on this side of and commanding the second crossing, to guard against disaster in the event the troops in front of them were overcome. There was a fog that morning so dense that Reynolds and Feild were enabled easily to conceal their commands, except a small force purposely exposed in advance, and this, when encountered by the enemy, fell back by previous arrangement upon the main body. The enemy, with part of his force dismounted, made vigorous pursuit, till fired on by the line in concealment, and then broke in confusion, followed by our troops. His flight being obstructed by the creek, we captured nearly all the horses of a dismounted regiment and some prisoners. After he had made his way across the creek the cavalry kept up the pursuit for a considerable distance. After this the enemy hung upon our rear but made no further demonstration. About 9 o'clock the march was resumed, and that night we encamped sixteen miles from the river.

In the afternoon the next day we reached Shoal Creek, and after passing over I was ordered to take a position to guard the crossing till I should be directed to withdraw. Here the cavalry passed us and moved on toward the river. The order to halt at Shoal Creek and my subsequent orders were received from Lieutenant-General Stewart, by whose directions I crossed the river with my command on the morning of the 28th, leaving a detail of 200 men to assist in taking up the pontoon bridge, under the supervision of the engineer officer in charge.

During the whole time covered by this report the weather was excessively severe, and the troops subjected to unusual hardships. For several days the ground was covered with snow, and numbers of the men made the march without shoes, some had no blankets, and all were poorly clad for the season. What they had to endure was borne without complaint, and the march was conducted in an orderly manner, though there was much in the surroundings to test severely the discipline of the troops. When the main army had been moving for forty-eight hours, and they were yet at Columbia and threatened by a heavy force, it was known, of course, to them that their situation was one of extreme peril, and the serious and discouraging disasters which had but recently befallen us were well calculated to bring all commands into a state of disorganization. For their fine conduct, despite these difficulties and disadvantages and the depression which then pervaded the whole army, the officers and men of my command are entitled to no little praise. I need not comment on it, as Major-General Forrest was present to witness it in person.

My subordinate officers and the staff' officers who served with me have my thanks for the faithful and efficient discharge of all their duties and the support and co-operation which they uniformly afforded me.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
E. C. WALTHALL,        
        Assistant Adjutant-General.


Field return of Palmer's and Smith's brigades.


Effective Total.

Total Present.

Aggregate Present.


Palmer’s Brigade.






3d and 18th Tennessee





32d Tennessee





45th Tennessee





54th Virginia





63d Virginia





60th North Carolina







Effective Total.

Total Present.

Agreggate Present.


Smith’s Brigade.






1st Georgia.





54th Georgia.





57th Georgia.





63d Georgia.










J. B. PALMER,        
Colonel, Commanding Brigade.

COLUMBIA, TENN., December 21, 1864.

Tabular report of the effective total, &c., Featherston's brigade, December 21, 1864.


Effective total.

Total present.

Aggregate present.


1st Mississippi Battalion..





1st Mississippi Regiment.





3d Mississippi Regiment.





22d Mississippi Regiment.





31st Mississippi Regiment.





33d Mississippi Regiment.





40th Mississippi Regiment.





General and staff















Quarles' brigade





Grand total





Respectfully submitted.
W. S. FEATHERSTON,        

Return of strength of Maney's and Strahl's brigades, December 21, 1864.



Total present.


Maney's brigade.




Strahl's brigade








H. R. FEILD,        
Colonel, Commanding.


Tabular statement of Ector's and Reynolds' brigades, December 21, 1864.


Effective total.

Total present.



Reynolds' brigade





Ector's brigade










Very respectfully, &c.,
Captain and Assistant Adjutant-General.

1 For portions of report here omitted, see Vol. XXXVIII, Part III, p. 924, and Vol. XXXIX, Part I, p. 825.

SOURCE: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 45, Part 1 (Serial No. 93), p. 719-30

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