
Sunday, January 1, 2023

Andrew Hunter to John W. Garrett, November 30, 1859

Charlestown, November 30, 1859.
John W Garrett, Esq.,
        President, Balt. & Ohio Railroad.

DEAR SIR:—I have received your dispatch, and am much gratified to discover that the public spirited action of your company in the present state of things has elicited so proper and cordial a response from the Executive of our State.

I have written to Martinsburg, to caution them against annoying your passengers, and we regret that any such annoyance has occurred in the case of the three gentlemen from Ohio.

The gentlemen referred to, were immediately released by a dispatch from this place.

I telegraphed you to-day, and think now every proper arrangement has been made.

Very truly, your obedient servant,

SOURCE: B. H. Richardson, Annapolis, Maryland, Publisher, Correspondence Relating to the Insurrection at Harper's Ferry, 17th October, 1859, p. 65

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