
Sunday, February 12, 2023

Diary of Private Richard R. Hancock: Tuesday, December 10, 1861

All of our company, except eight, had rejoined the battalion at Camp Hall. Our sick boys and wounded prisoners—still at Mr. West's—were improving

McNairy's scouts, on the south side of the river, continued to be annoyed by the enemy's firing across the river at them from Rowena, some thirty miles below Mill Springs. Zollicoffer having now “determined to punish the enemy” at that place, ordered McNairy to go down the south side of the river the next day to a point opposite Rowena, while another detachment of cavalry was to go from Beech Grove* down the north side to the same place.

As our lieutenants were either sick or absent, McNairy sent up a request for Captain Allison to rejoin the battalion at Camp Hall, in order to take command of his company on the Rowena trip the next day. But as Zollicoffer was not willing to let our Captain go, the latter sent his orderly, John D. McLin, to take charge of our company.

* This was the name of Zollicoffer's camp on the north side of the river.

SOURCE: Richard R. Hancock, Hancock's Diary: Or, A History of the Second Tennessee Confederate Cavalry, p. 94-5

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