
Sunday, February 19, 2023

Dr. Seth Rogers to his daughter Dolly, March 8, 1863

STEAMER Boston Mouth of St. John's River,        
March 8, 1863.

Waiting, waiting, waiting, with thermometer at 80° F. this bright Sunday. Great sandbanks like snow, atmosphere shimmering in the hot sunlight, while the young, tender foliage softens the landscape into beauty.

At daylight this morning we left Fernandina and arrived off the bar at the mouth of this river at 9.30 A. M. The gunboat Uncas came off to meet us and considerably before noon we were anchored in here with the Uncas, the Norwich and our transport, the Burnside. Why the John Adams has not reached here, we cannot imagine. This delay warns the rebs of our approach to Jacksonville and, if they choose to dispute our landing, I do not see why some lives may not be lost. James [Capt. Rogers] and I have been ashore this afternoon and have seen various wild flowers unfamiliar to us. The Colonel is deep in consultation with gunboat captains, and a steady frown indicates his impatience and perplexity about the John Adams. Rough and ready Capt. Dolly remarked when we passed her, that he was d----d if he didn't admire the Lt. Col. because he was always to be found just where we left him. His theory however about the non-arrival of the Adams is that the chaplain has gone for the last well to be dug. Wells are one of the chaplain's specialties and it would not be surprising if the theory proved correct. To me the worst feature of the delay is the exposure of our men to disease. I dread confinement in close air for them much more than I do rebel bullets.

Yesterday I heard of a little coincidence which quite amused me. One of our captains is not so broad and catholic as Theodore Parker, and very constantly manifests a jealous nature by petty complaints and watchings for evil. Yesterday morning he was speaking to me of the Colonel and remarked that the only fault he could find with him was a lack of discipline, that the men ought not to be allowed to insult their officers without severe punishment. I replied that I did not know of an officer in the regiment who was obliged to cross the track of the men so much as I, and yet, without any specific control over any but those in the hospital department, I never dreamed of being insulted and that if I were, I should feel that the fault were mine. This captain happened to be the officer of the day and, towards evening, I noticed that he was looking very demure and that he was minus his sash. On inquiry I found he had permitted some slight improprieties among the men and that the Colonel promptly put another officer in his place. I have not heard of a better disciplinarian than Col. H. and I doubt not Capt. is getting convinced on the same point.

Just now I found one of our men in a collapsed state, which will prove fatal.

SOURCE: Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, Volume 43, October, 1909—June, 1910: February 1910. p. 370-1

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