
Monday, March 20, 2023

7th Missouri Provisional Enrolled Militia Infantry.

Duty at Springfield, Mo., and other points in District of Southwest Missouri. Action at Bloomfield, Mo., January 17, 1863. Dade County July 24, 1863 (Co. "E"). Scout from Greenfield September 15-18. Operations against Shelby September 22-October 26. Oregon (or Bowers' Mill) October 4. Greenfield October 5. Stockton October 5 (Detachment). Operations in Northern Arkansas December, 1863, to February, 1864. Duty in Christian, Douglass and Stone Counties till July. Scouts near Neosho and Carthage May 18-23. At Mt. Vernon May. Skirmish near White Hare June 15. Scout from Mt. Vernon June 19-25. Operations in Southwest Missouri July 18-23 and August 1-28. Skirmish Polk County August 28. Operations against Price's invasion of Missouri September to November. Attached to 3rd Brigade, Cavalry Division, Dept. of Missouri. Moreau Creek October 7. Russellville October 9. California October 9. Near Booneville October 11-12. Little Blue October 21. Independence, Big Blue and State Line October 22. Big Blue and Westport October 23. Little Osage and Mine Creek, Marias des Cygnes, October 25. Engagement on the Marmiton (or Battle of Chariot) October 25. Newtonia October 28. Designated 15th Missouri Cavalry November 1, 1864, which see.

Frederick H. Dyer, A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion, Part 3, p. 1326

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