
Monday, March 13, 2023

Brigadier-General Felix K. Zollicoffer to Lieutenant-Colonel William W. Mackall, December

Beech Grove, Ky., December 17, 1861.
Lieutenant-Colonel MACKALL,
        Assistant Adjutant-General, Bowling Green, Ky.:

SIR: Your messenger was started back on the 13th instant, via Burkesville and Glasgow, with an escort of 60 cavalrymen, directed to go to the latter place. He bore a dispatch giving you a list of 33 prisoners I send to Nashville, to be disposed of as General Johnston may direct. I have no advices from Major Wynn, but suppose the steamer to arrive at Waitsborough on the 18th will be freighted with stores for us. Have sent a large train of wagons and made ample arrangements for a guard. Ten of the prisoners captured were taken on the 11th instant by an expedition I sent down to Louisville, on the north side of the river, and about 30 miles from here. Our party killed 3 others. The enemy had posted a small body of men there behind a breastwork and with a flag flying, who had annoyed our cavalry across the river at Rowena when patrolling in that direction. Louisville is 15 miles from Columbia. Our only loss was one man accidentally drowned.

The river is now low and fordable in many places. There are now known to be seven infantry regiments at Somerset. The enemy has advanced strong posts to Fishing Creek, and their scouting parties approach to within a few miles of our camp. The stage of the river and the value of our supply trains render it necessary, in my opinion, to keep two regiments on the Mill Springs side of the river. I therefore have but four and a half regiments on this bank. Had the reserve of Powell's regiment, Wood's battalion, and McClung's battery been sent on, as I ordered, I could have advanced. But I can hear nothing official from Knoxville of them. For a day or two past my information leads to the suspicion that the enemy contemplate an early attack upon this position.

Very respectfully,
F. K. ZOLLICOFFER,        

SOURCE: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 7 (Serial No. 7), p. 772-3

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