
Wednesday, March 22, 2023

John W. Garrett to Andrew Hunter, December 15, 1859

Office of the Balto. & O. R. R. Co.,        
December 15, 1859.
Andrew Hunter, Esq:
        Charlestown, Va.:

Your esteemed favor of the 10th instant, has been received. I feel much gratified by the expression of General Taliaferro, so obligingly communicated by you, as well as by your own remarks in connection with the services which it was the good fortune of the officers and employees of this company to have it in their power to perform in the cause of good order and safety, and in upholding to the best of their ability, the laws of a sister commonwealth, in the late emergency.

Rest assured that on all future occasions, —should any such unhappily occur,—this company will always be found ready to co-operate zealously with your constituted authorities to the extent of their appliances, towards the maintainance of the laws.

All arrangements deemed necessary and proper have been made in reference to the impending executions on the 16th instant.

J. W. GARRETT, Pres't.

SOURCE: B. H. Richardson, Annapolis, Maryland, Publisher, Correspondence Relating to the Insurrection at Harper's Ferry, 17th October, 1859, p. 78-9

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