
Saturday, April 29, 2023

Confederate Congress, published November 14, 1864

In the House, on the 10th, Mr. Sparrow, of Louisiana, offered the following, which was read, and on his motion, referred to the Committee on the Judiciary:

A Bill to extend the Assessment of Prices for the Army to all Citizens of the Confederate States.

Whereas, the depreciation of our currency is in a great measure, produced by the extortion of those who sell the necessaries of life; and whereas such depreciation is ruinous to our Confederacy and to the means of prosecuting the war; therefore

The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, as a necessary war measure, That the prices assessed for the army by the commissioners of assessment shall b e the prices established for all citizens of the Confederate States; and that any person who shall charge any price beyond such assessment shall be deemed guilty of a criminal offence, and be subject to a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars and to imprisonment not exceeding one year.”

In the Senate Mr. Foote of Tennessee, introduced the following:

Resolved, That while we should prosecute the present war with all energy and earnestness, reason’s of policy, justice and humanity alike require that the President should be armed with adequate power to offer complete amnesty to all such of the citizens and residents of the Confederate States as heretofore, under delusion or otherwise, have been hostile to our cause, or who are willing to come forward and take upon themselves the obligation to support our Government as good and true citizens.”

SOURCE: The Daily Conservative, Raleigh, North Carolina, Monday, November 14, 1864, p. 2

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