
Sunday, April 23, 2023

Thaddeus Hyatt to John Brown, November 14, 1859

NEW YORK, Nov. 14.

My Very Dear Friend: Your letter to Mrs. Maria Child has attracted my attention and induced on my part the action indicated in the enclosed slip from the N. Y. Tribune. You will see that I need your autograph. Please address me immediately. Give yourself no further anxiety as to the needy ones left behind. Warm and loving hearts by thousands at this moment are ready to aid them. You little knew, my friend, when you gave me your likeness, to what good account it would be turned; and I, alas! how little could I then dream of your impending fate, or in that hour guess the motives that prompted you to enjoin upon me the strictest caution as to exposing the photograph to be seen. Did your young friend perish? God be with you, my brave heart! For one animated by such faith as yours pity were reproach. Instead of pity I therefore tender you, O my friend, sympathy and a like faith with your own.

God and his eternal heavens are above us! Eternity is ours! So that, in His sight who shall judge us at the last we stand approved. Life matters not, and death matters not; and whether the hours of this day, or the morrow, be shortened, is of little account; for the shorter life is, the longer eternity is; and which is best for us depends wholly upon God; and in which we can best serve Him it is for God alone to say.

Your courage, my brother, challenges the admiration of men; your faith, the admiration of angels. Be steadfast to the end! Be patient! farewell! I am yours in Christ "for the life that now is, and for that which is to come." Farewell!

Your affectionate brother,
Thaddeus Hyatt.

SOURCE: James Redpath, Editor, Echoes of Harper’s Ferry, p. 389-90

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