
Sunday, May 14, 2023

Brigadier-General William H. Carroll to Judah P Benjamin, December 13, 1861

Knoxville, Tenn., December 13, 1861.
        Secretary of War, Richmond, Va.:

SIR: Your order to me of the 10th instant to join General Zollicoffer immediately with all my armed force reached me last night. I immediately set about making the necessary arrangements to carry the same into effect, as indeed I had been doing for some days previous, under instructions from General Zollicoffer himself. A portion if not all of my command would now have been on the march for General Zollicoffer's present position but for the unsettled condition of affairs in East Tennessee, together with other obstacles that I have been utterly unable to overcome, though I have made every possible exertion to that effect, but as yet without success.

In justice to myself I feel that I may very properly lay before you the nature and extent of the embarrassments under which I have labored ever since I assumed my present command. When the President did me the honor to appoint me a brigadier-general in the Provisional Army I confidently expected to have had my entire brigade thoroughly armed within twenty days at furthest from that time, as I have taken every precaution to secure sufficient arms for that purpose while raising and organizing the regiments which I now have the honor to command. Early in the month of September I procured about 2,000 ordinary country rifles, and placed them in the Government armories at Memphis, Nashville, and Murfreesborough. In order to have them altered—made of uniform length and caliber, and fitted with a sword-bayonet. At that time I was assured by the armory officers at those places that these guns would be repaired and ready for use by the middle of October. On the 26th of that month you telegraphed to them to lay aside all other guns and put their whole force at work upon mine. This they informed me they did; but when I received your orders of the 3d of November to advance to this place and report to General Zollicoffer not a single gun had been completed.

The indications of an extensive outbreak in East Tennessee at that time were so alarming, that I deemed it unsafe to move my command through that country wholly unarmed. I therefore made application in every direction for guns of any description, to serve me until my own should be ready for use. I finally, after much annoyance, succeeded in getting from the arsenal at Memphis about 400 flint-lock muskets, rifles, and double-barreled shot-guns. With these, imperfect and almost worthless as they were, I advanced to Chattanooga, and halted my forces for a few days, for the purpose of dispersing the different bands of traitors who were gathering in that vicinity. This object being accomplished, I moved on to this point. When I reached here I found a general feeling of alarm and uneasiness prevailing throughout the surrounding country. Information every day reached me from all points that recreant Tennesseeans, with a few miscreants from other States, were organizing themselves into predatory bands in the counties of Blount, Sevier, Cocke, Hancock, Scott, Campbell, and other counties bordering on the North Carolina and Kentucky line. I immediately sent out scouting parties of cavalry, together with such small detachments of infantry as I could arm, to protect and assist the loyal citizens of these counties in driving these base ingrates from their midst. These various parties have succeeded in arresting many of the rebellious and disaffected, and bringing them to this place for trial. Out of the number thus arrested I have sent and will send about 100, as prisoners of war, to Tuscaloosa. I have for some days past been receiving information, from sources entitled to much credit, that a considerable force of the enemy were threatening a descent from the Kentucky border upon the counties of Campbell and Scott, by way of a small pass in the mountains above Cumberland Gap.

To-day I am in receipt of information, which apparently admits of no doubt, that a body of the enemy, some 500 strong, had attacked the town of Huntsville, and captured a company of cavalry stationed at that place. Other less reliable reports place the number of the enemy at 2,000. I have therefore made arrangements to dispatch Colonel White there with all the armed force I can command, with orders to attack them if not too strong, and if the numbers are too great to fall back until I can re-enforce him. The country abounds in mountain passes and ravines, and a position well selected can be easily held against largely superior numbers. This movement will not delay the prompt execution of your order, as the place mentioned is near my line of march to join General Zollicoffer. During the time I have been here I have continued my exertions to procure arms from every source where they were likely to be obtained, though almost entirely without success. A few days ago I dispatched one of my officers to General Johnston, at Bowling Green, with a statement of my condition, and an urgent appeal for arms of some description, if he should have any at his disposal; but he dispatches me that none are to be had. I have also sent a competent armory officer to Memphis upon a similar mission. From him I learn that 500 of my rifles will be ready by Monday next. These will be forwarded immediately. He further informs me that the remainder will soon be repaired and sent on, as they are being pushed forward as rapidly as possible. Two hundred of those left at Nashville were sent me some days ago, but so imperfectly repaired as to be wholly unfit for use, as you will see from the inclosed report from the ordnance officer at this place. The repairs on these I am having completed here, and will have them finished as soon as possible.

I have here now three regiments fully organized and another in process of formation, besides seven companies of cavalry, amounting in all to about 4,000 men, who could be brought immediately into the field if I could only supply them with arms. Out of my entire force I could not muster more than 300 men efficiently armed. A few hundred more have old hunting guns, but they are of little or no service in their present condition. I still hope that all my guns will be ready in a very short time. I send to Richmond Lieut. Col. E. J. Golladay, one of my best-informed and most discreet officers, to represent to you more fully the true condition of my command. His suggestions may perhaps be of service in shaping the policy proper to pursue in the region of country of which I have spoken.

For a detailed statement of the operations of my command since taking the field, together with an account of all the other forces now in East Tennessee, I beg to call your attention to my report made to Maj. Gen. G. B. Crittenden on the 9th instant, and by him forwarded to the office of the Adjutant and Inspector General. Colonel Golladay can also give you much valuable information of the strength, condition, &c., of the different commands in this portion of the State, together with the state of public feeling and real condition of the country here.

I have the honor to be, yours, respectfully,
WM. H. CARROLL,        
Brigadier-General, C. S. Army.

SOURCE: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 7 (Serial No. 7), p. 764-6

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