
Monday, May 1, 2023

Diary of Private Richard R. Hancock: Thursday, January 2, 1862

Colonel McNairy started home on a furlough on account of ill health, leaving Captain Allison in command of the battalion.

Allison received orders to cross the river and report to Zollicoffer's headquarters as soon as his men could cook three days' rations. We did not have three days’ rations, but we cooked what we had, went to the river and commenced crossing, when, on learning that we did not have the requisite amount of rations, Zollicoffer ordered Allison to go back to camps and cook the rations, which he ordered the brigade commissary to furnish. As soon as we had cooked our rations Allison crossed the river and reported to our General that the First Battalion was ready to move. Our Captain soon after returned and reported that the order to cross the river was countermanded.

Mr. Andy Bogle, from Cannon County, Tennessee, came in a carriage after Clabe Francis, a member of Allison's Company, who was sick.

SOURCE: Richard R. Hancock, Hancock's Diary: Or, A History of the Second Tennessee Confederate Cavalry, p. 105

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