
Saturday, May 6, 2023

F. G., a Rhode Island Friend, to John Brown, November 27, 1859


Dear Brother: I feel constrained to write a few lines to you. I have long wished to write; but fearing to do so, the distance being so very long, that it would not reach you. I have long wished to hear from you personally, to know how you are getting along, and how your wounds are, and whether your health is any better. I take three papers, and read them with great interest to know all. But they say one thing one day, and contradict them the next. O, if I could only be with you, could hear you and comfort you in my own feeble way in this trying hour of your confinement! But it cannot be. To God I wish that I could be with you in this hour of trial! O, that I had the money that is daily thrown away for foolishness! I would come to you, and on bended knees ask permission to remain with you. But, as I said before, it cannot be. But if I am not with you in person, I am with you through the eye of vision, talking with and hearing your sad trial of sorrow and incarceration. These visions will never be forgotten by me and my family, as I sit by my fireside rehearsing to them the history of one whom I shall ever remember with a brother's love.

O, that I could find words to express myself, but my mind wanders and my hand trembles so, that I scarce can write! You will, I hope, forgive my many mistakes. I write not for fame, but from friendship's dictation. O, if I could compose myself to write! But, as I have said, my mind wanders back to things past and gone — gone; known only in history's pages. When I call up things that have been done since 1776, to the present time, 1859—but enough of this. God worketh all things for his own good; for he is a God of Justice, and doeth all things well, and in his own time. If there is no hope on earth, there is hope in Heaven. If we meet not here, we will meet there. I trust in Him who ruleth all things. Call on him and he will not see you want, for He hath said so in his Holy Word: "That whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have eternal life." . . . Ever believe me,

Your sincere friend for suffering humanity,
F. G.

SOURCE: James Redpath, Editor, Echoes of Harper’s Ferry, p. 402-3

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