
Saturday, May 6, 2023

Samuel Edmund Sewall, to John Brown, November 24, 1859

BOSTON, November 24.

Dear Sir: It will, I am sure, give you pleasure to know that a committee of whom I am one, appointed at a meeting held a few days ago in Boston, have already raised about five hundred dollars to aid your afflicted family. Part of the money was received from the sale of tickets, and part has been sent in without any effort on our part. We are going to advertise in the newspapers, and expect to get a much larger sum by this means.

S. E. Sewall.

P. S. We hope to raise a fund of $10,000 for your family, and I think from what has already been done, the amount cannot fall much short of that sum.


* See John Brown's reply “Public Life," p. 364.

SOURCE: James Redpath, Editor, Echoes of Harper’s Ferry, p. 397

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