
Monday, May 22, 2023

Senator Daniel Webster to John Taylor, March 17, 1850

Washington, March 17, 1850.

DEAR SIR,—You must buy a pair of oxen. Do not get a very expensive pair. Let me know the price, and when the money must be paid. Let the Stevens oxen and the great steers be turned into the great pasture.

Send the horse down to Marshfield, and bring back "Greyback." Can little Charles ride one down and the other up? Or if Henry is doing nothing, he might go down in your light wagon, and bring up a codfish. You might pay his expenses up and down, if he would like the visit and is not so engaged that his time is valuable. Have you engaged your summer's help? I believe you have stated the farming plans for this year, pretty much as we arranged things last fall. Go ahead. I cannot get away from Washington till I give my vote on the admission of California. Where will you get your grass seed?


SOURCE: Fletcher Webster, Editor, The Private Correspondence of Daniel Webster, Vol. 2, p. 358

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