
Friday, July 21, 2023

Citizens of New York, Kings, Queens, Richmond & Westchester Counties to Senator Daniel S. Dickinson, May 20, 1850



DEAR SIR—The undersigned, your Democratic Republican fellow-citizens of the city and county of New York and neighboring counties, sincerely desire to express in person our high appreciation of your services in the councils of the confederacy. For that purpose, we beg you to name an early day when your high duties will permit you to meet us at a public dinner, when we may have the opportunity of giving full utterance to the sentiments of respect and confidence with which your distinguished political services to our common country have inspired us.

From the commencement of our national existence, the intelligent observer has discovered but one element in our circumstances or condition, from which to apprehend incurable discord among our citizens, or serious peril to the duration of the Republic. So to regulate the action of government in respect to that element as to preserve harmony and to avert the consequent peril, has been the constant effort of the American sage and patriot. For the success of such efforts the prayers of the wise and virtuous in every clime have been enlisted; for it has not escaped notice how deeply our fate as a nation involves the fortunes of mankind. That the great experiment commenced here, and hitherto triumphantly carried forward, may not be checked in its career, must be desired by the philanthropist, wherever found. But to accomplish this purpose enjoins upon the patriotic statesman the exercise of the same prudence, forbearance and generosity which characterized the course of the original framers of the constitution; and it has fallen to your lot and ours, during the deeply—interesting period of your term as representative of this State in the Senate of the Union, to witness the necessity of the constant exercise of a spirit of forbearance to preserve our Union from the severest trial of its strength.

In the trying crisis through which our country, and, we may add, the cause of the world's freedom and of republicanism, is now passing, the State of New York is most fortunate in being represented in the Senate of the Union by one whose patriotism soars above the level of time-serving purposes, and whose eminent talents and moral worth command respect, both in the State he represents and in the Councils of the Nation

NEW YORK, May 20, 1850.

With sentiments of great respect, yours, &c.,

Charles O’Conor, George Douglass, Leroy M. Wiley, Francis B. Cutting, Royal Phelps, Schuyler Livingston, Felix Ingoldsby, James Lee, Joel Wolfe, Edward K. Collins, Henry Shaw, Benjamin Poulteney, Francis W. Edmonds, William M’Murray, Wm. C. H. Waddell, Campbell P. White, Robert H. Winslow, Joseph Kernochan, John J. Cisco, Wm. A. Gasquet, Charles A. Clinton, Reuben Withers, Wm. E. Lawrence, John H. Lee, James T. Brady, John Addison Thomas, Edward Sandford, Nathl. Jarvis, D. C. Eaton, Edward C. West, James C. Stoneall, Joseph A. Drivver, John Ewen, Florence M’Carthy, John H. Brower, Francis Secor, George P. Morris, James B. Murray, Anthony L. Robertson, Thomas W. Clarke, Wm. A. Walker, B. S. Hart, Michael Burke, Philo T. Ruggles, Richard Compton, Fernando Wood, Thomas C. Fields, John M’Mennomy, Hugh Kelley, Daniel Dodge, Edward Strahan, Daniel B. Taylor, Thomas Jeremiah, John A. Stemmler, Thomas Harrison, George Montgomery, Henry Hilton, W. C. Freeman, Edmund J. Porter, James R. Whiting, Henry W. Dolsen, Andrew H. Mickle, John M. Bradhurst, Robert H. Morris, Myndert Van Shaick, Cornelius W. Lawrence, John D. Van Buren, Theodore Sedgwick, Jacob Aims, Thomas Seffern, George Law, John H. L. M’Cracken, John M’Keon, Gideon Ostrander, Robert J. Dillon, Wm S. Wetmore, Emanuel B. Hart, Wm A. Mead, Daniel E. Sickles, Henry G. Stebbins, Tarrant Putnam, Henry Erben, Augustus Schell, A. B. Davis, R. T. Woodward, Wm. B. Maclay, Elijah F. Burdy, Robert Kelley, William Beach Lawrence, John W. Mersereatt, Lorenzo B. Shepard, Garrit H. Striker Jr., Thoe. Romeyn, J. Sherman Brownell, Cyrus Lawton, J. Romeyn Brodhead, Alex F. Vache, Elijah Ward, Solomon Townsend, Thos. S. Henry, Freeman Campbell, Chessenden Ellis, Edward R. Carpentier, John Foote, Nathaniel S. Jarvis, U. D. French, Nathaniel Pearce, Benjamin H. Field, Henry M. Western, W. Beach Lawrence Jr., Frederick R. Lee, David R. Floyd Jones, James S. Libby, Joseph W. Bouck, Franklin S Kinney, Henry Storms, Andrew Clark, John Collins Jr., John S. Gilbert Philip Reynolds, Gideon J. Tucker, Richard Schell.


William Horace Brown, John W. Lawrence.


John Yates Cebra, D. Denyse, James E. Cooley, Jesse O. Dissosway, Israel O. Dissosway, Richard D. Littell, Lovel Purdy, Joshua Mesereau.


John A. Lott, Nathl. F. Waring, Henry C. Murphy, Tunis G. Bergen, John Vanderbilt, Thomas I. Gerald, L. B. Hawkhurst, E. C. Litchfield, Samuel Smith, Thomas G. Talmadge, E. A. Lambert, R. V. W. Thorne, Samuel Sloan, James M. Seabury, Abraham Verplanck, Edmund Driggs, Philip Hamilton Gabriel W. Cuit, H. C. Boswell, John I. Runsie, Daniel H. Feeks, Daniel Eagan, Abm. I. Berry, Daniel Reilly, George Thompson, Cornelius S. Bogardus, John Rice, Joseph Wilson, John B. Bergen, Daniel Van Vorhes.


Aaron Ward, Abm. Hyatt, John M. Stevens, Charles A. Purdy, John T. Yoe, A. K. Hoffman, Jesse Lynn, George B. Butler, Benjamin Brandreth, Benj. M. Brown, S. Marshall, Samuel F. Reynolds, John T. Hoffman, J. M. Scribner, John B. Haskin, Robert H. Ludlow.

SOURCE: John R. Dickinson, Editor, Speeches, Correspondence, Etc., of the Late Daniel S. Dickinson of New York, Vol. 2, p. 431-4

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