
Friday, July 21, 2023

James Buchanan to Charles O'Conor, J. Addison Thomas, Robert J. Dillon, Esqs., and others,

WHEATLAND, near Lancaster, 14th June, 1850.

GENTLEMEN—I have been honored by the receipt of your invitation to the public dinner to be given to the Hon. Mr. Dickinson, of the United States Senate, at Tammany Hall, on Monday next, and regret to say that it will not be in my power to be with you on that interesting occasion.

Will you be kind enough to present for me to the assembled company the following sentiment:

"Hon. Daniel S. Dickinson—The prompt and powerful defender of the Union and the Constitution against the assaults of the abolitionists and free soilers. Well may the Empire State point to him as one of her brightest jewels."

Yours, very respectfully,

CHARLES O'CONOR, J. ADDISON THOMAS, ROBERT J. DILLON, Esqs., and others, Committee, &c., &c.

SOURCE: John R. Dickinson, Editor, Speeches, Correspondence, Etc., of the Late Daniel S. Dickinson of New York, Vol. 2, p. 437

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