
Saturday, September 30, 2023

L. C.* to John Brown, November 28, 1859

HUDSON, Ohio, Nov. 28, 1859.

Dear Sir: My long acquaintance with you and with your life has made such an impression on my mind that I feel that there is an attachment formed which Death alone can separate; and now, as it seems the end draws near that you must die, I would say that my prayer is, that you may come off conqueror through Him that hath loved us, and find a resting-place in heaven, where I hope to meet with all the friends of humanity. I want something from your hand to look upon and show to the friends of humanity. Your name on a card directed to me, with a date at the place where you are, I would like, with some short sentiment of your choosing.

L. C.

P. S. I hear you have several young daughters, which may be dependent on the charity of friends to get along in the world. I would like to take the youngest, and educate her in my family as one of them, if you and your friends are willing. I have a daughter sixteen years old, and it would be her delight to help educate one of Capt. John Brown's daughters. . . . Farewell! May God Almighty strengthen you as you are about to be offered up.

*A woman and old acquaintance.

SOURCE: James Redpath, Editor, Echoes of Harper’s Ferry, p. 423-4

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