
Sunday, September 17, 2023

Senator Daniel S. Dickinson to Lydia Knapp Dickinson, July 29, 1850

WASHINGTON, July 29, 1850.

MY DEAR LYDIA—I am glad you took the pleasant visit to Batavia, and am much obliged to Mr. Redfield for his kindness to you. You seem to be enjoying yourself well, and I see no objection to your staying for the present and as long as you think proper. It is warm, dusty, and uncomfortable here, but my health remains good. Charlotte and Stevie had returned to B., and Manco was at Guilford, when I last heard. He thought the pure air and water and wild game were helping him, as is not improbable. There is nothing new here; negroes and hot weather rule the roast.

Give my love to Lydia. Mary was well and happy a few days since, when I last heard.


SOURCE: John R. Dickinson, Editor, Speeches, Correspondence, Etc., of the Late Daniel S. Dickinson of New York, Vol. 2, p. 446-7

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