
Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Senator John C. Calhoun to Andrew Pickens Calhoun, October 22, 1849

Fort Hill 22d Oct 1849

MY DEAR ANDREW, . . . I have been making good progress in the work I have on hand. I shall finish it, I expect, except revising, correcting and copying before I leave home. John who has just returned from the North says it is looked to with great interest there. His health is much improved, and so I understand William's is, for he went directly to Columbia without returning home, so that I have not seen him.

Mississippi has acted well on the slave question,1 and I hope Alabama and every other Southern State will back her and send delegates to Nashville. It is all important that they should. Bad would be our condition, if the Convention should fail for want of backing; but bright our prospect should there be a full meeting. . . .


1 By issuing an “Address to the Southern States,” calling for a popular convention at Nashville in June, 1850.

SOURCE: J. Franklin Jameson, Editor, Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1899, Volume II, Calhoun’s Correspondence: Fourth Annual Report of the Historical Manuscripts Commission, Correspondence of John C. Calhoun, p. 772-3

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