
Saturday, October 28, 2023

Annie Lorena Wilson & Frances C. Brown* to John Brown, November 28, 1859

HUDSON, Ohio, Nov. 28.

Dear Uncle John: Through the politeness of Mr. Lewis, from Akron, we take this opportunity to send you our love and heartfelt sympathies in your present tribulation. We think of you almost every moment, and nightly our simple prayers are offered up in behalf of our uncle John, that he may be sustained in all his afflictions by an overruling Providence.

We remain, as ever, your affectionate nieces,
A. L. W. and F. C. B.

* Nieces of John Brown: Annie Lorena Wilson, daughter of Emeline King & Samuel D. Wilson, and granddaughter of Anna Ruth Brown and Hiram King; Frances C. Brown, daughter of Jeremiah Root Brown and Abi Cornelia Hinsdale.

SOURCE: James Redpath, Editor, Echoes of Harper’s Ferry, p. 430

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