
Monday, February 19, 2024

Daniel Webster to Fletcher Webster, October 2, 1850

Washington, October 2, 1850.

DEAR FLETCHER,—It is my hope to reach Boston on Monday evening next. For the two or three weeks, more or less, which I may be at Marshfield, I shall need a good coach, a handsome pair of horses, and a proper driver. If this could be had at Foster's, I should prefer it; if not, please look them up else where.

My cold is taking leave, and "it could take nothing I could more willingly part withal."

Tell the Judge,1 I have something to say to him about California. Everybody is off, and Mr. Kortiss 2 and I quite alone. except when Colonel March falls in.

Yours, affectionately,

1 Honorable John P. Healy.

2 Mr. Edward Curtis.

SOURCE: Fletcher Webster, Editor, The Private Correspondence of Daniel Webster, Vol. 2, p. 394

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