
Thursday, February 15, 2024

Governor Albert G. Brown to Colonel Jefferson Davis, August 29, 1846

(From the Mississippi Department of Archives and History. Letter Book of Governor Brown.)

Executive Chamber        
Jackson Miss. 29th Aug. 1846
Col Jeffr Davis
        Com 1 Regt. Miss Volunteers
                Army of Invasion


The Secr of War has forwarded to me the letter of resignation of Lt Burrus of the Yazoo Volunteers under your command, with an intimation from the Adgt Genl U. S. Army endorsed thereon that the resignation should have been tendered to the Governor of Missi. The Secr forbears to decide as to the correctness of the Adgt Genl intimation but says the consent of the Prest & the Dept is given to the withdrawal of Lt Burrus from the service.

I enclose several blank commissions to be used by you as occasion may require not doubting that they will be safe in your hands This is done to facilitate the operations of your command to relieve you from any embarrassment growing out of deaths and resignations among your officers - In every case when a resignation is tendered and accepted by you, my approval is hereby given, and you have my consent to issue a commission to a successor from the inclosed blanks- I shall expect you of course to make a return to the adjt Genl of this State or to myself and also the Dept at Washington of the name of the officer succeeding together with the date of his commission. I have communicated the contents of this letter to the Secr of War

Very respfl

Your obt servt
A G Brown

SOURCE: Dunbar Rowland, Editor, Jefferson Davis, Constitutionalist: His Letters, Papers and Speeches, Volume 1, p. 60

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