
Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Senator Daniel S. Dickinson to Mr. Rogers, May 22, 1852

BINGHAMTON, May 22, 1852.

MY DEAR R.—Lydia will not go to Baltimore. I took Mrs. Birdsall in 1835, before her marriage, and it cured my curiosity in such matters. Unless you have engaged rooms you will not find a peg to hang on, and as to finding lodgings for a young lady, it is in my judgment pretty much out of the case. I should be glad to meet Miss Jennie there, but the "noise and confusion" will prevent her having much enjoyment, I fear; though if you have acquaintance in some private family, where she could visit, it would be pleasant for her.

I hope Gen. Cass's friends will be on hand in force. I am for him, up and down, and round about, and diagonally, and shall sink or swim with him. All send regards to Mrs. R. and Jennie and yourself.

Sincerely yours,

SOURCE: John R. Dickinson, Editor, Speeches, Correspondence, Etc., of the Late Daniel S. Dickinson of New York, Vol. 2, p. 469

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