
Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Diary of Private John J. Wyeth, October 24, 1862

Last night, about nine o'clock, we passed through Vineyard Sound, and saw the last of Old Massachusetts, of which we shall probably see nothing for nearly a year. There will be very little excitement now, for two or three days, excepting we speak other vessels, so the boys are going to improve the time in sleeping and eating. To-day, one of our company, Edward Richardson, was taken sick and carried to the hospital. He is the first to succumb, owing in a great measure, we think, to the foul air of our quarters. This afternoon we saw the "Alabama" (or thought we did), on our quarter, and of course would have been sold out cheap, as our boat was not armed, and our consort was nowhere to be seen.

SOURCE: John Jasper Wyeth, Leaves from a Diary Written While Serving in Co. E, 44 Mass. Dep’t of North Carolina from September 1862 to June 1863, p. 14

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