
Sunday, May 26, 2024

Diary of 1st Lieutenant Daniel L. Ambrose: February 23-26, 1865

Heavy rains fall, swelling the rivers and making the roads almost impassable. Passing through Camden, we arrive at Cheraw on the 2d of March. Colonel Perrin is now in command of the mounted portion of the regiment, and Major Johnson the non-mounted portion. We remain in camp here one day and two nights. From this point an expedition of cavalry and mounted infantry was sent down to Florence, which was joined by Colonel Perrin and the mounted portiou of the Seventh, but it encountered both cavalry and infantry, and returned having only broken up in part the branch road from Florence to Cheraw.

Leaving Cheraw, and after crossing the Pedee river we are again put in motion, moving towards Fayetteville, North Carolina.

SOURCE: abstracted from Daniel Leib Ambrose, History of the Seventh Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, p. 298

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