
Monday, May 13, 2024

Diary of Private Edward W. Crippin, Tuesday Morning, September 3, 1861

Weather fine & pleasant,—with indications of rain Duties of the morning as usual—much rejoicing through out the camp—though no open demonstration—at the news of the success of Gen. Butler in his operations on the coast of N. C. Received this morning. Conflicting reports concerning the result or doings of the expidition sent down the Miss. River yesterday. More troops sent down from Birds Point to day across the country to the scene of action. Where it is not yet known in camp, some say it is Columbus, Some New Madrid, no person knows anything definite about the movements going on at Head Quarters—here all military movements are kept secret by the Senior Officers of the different commands at both Posts Cairo & Birds Point. Commenced raining about 4 O'clock this afternoon which put an end to squad drill & set the men to work putting their tents to rights & preparing for a spell of weather. Firing heard this evening again in the same direction as that of last evening Still raining at 10 O'clock.

SOURCE: Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society for the Year 1909, p. 225

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