
Friday, April 25, 2008

More From The Tri-Weekly News

The Huntsville Advocate says: The bells of the Methodist, Presbyterian Episcopal, and Cumberland Presbyterian and Baptist Churches in Huntsville have been taken down and directed to the Confederate foundries to be cast into cannon. They will be amply sufficient to make two batteries of six pieces each. The weight of the bells furnished from here were Presbyterian, 2106; Methodist, 810; Cumberland Presbyterian, 689; Episcopal, 480; Baptist, 110; W. H. Wilson, 174 – total, 4,259 pounds.


The Second Baptist Church of Richmond, Va. Have presented their splendid bell weighing 16,000 pounds, to the Confederacy, to be molded into cannon.


When all around us is but drear and dark, the hidden glories of heaven may be caught in a tear trembling upon the eyelid and pictured vividly and beautifully upon the soul.

- Published in The Tri-Weekly News, Shelbyville, Tennessee, Volume 1 Number 1, April 19, 1862 and reprinted by The Blockade Runner.

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