
Sunday, April 27, 2008

Our Courts

The Circuit Court of Bedford county was in session for several days the past week. His Honor Judge Cooper, presiding. No business of importance was transacted except upon the State docket. Judge Cooper appeared perfectly at home in his new position.

Our County Court was also in session on Monday last but in consequence of the death of the little daughter or [sic] Jo. H. Thompson, Esq., (the clerk) adjourned until Monday morning next. Very litter business was done, aside from the qualification of our new Sheriff, Robert B. Blackwell, and his deputies, all of whom took the oat[h] to support the Constitution and Government of the United States. In this connection we may mention that Sheriff Blackwell has appointed Robert N. Jones, T. D. Thompson and F. F. Fonvillie his deputies.

We see from the card of W. F. Bang, senior publisher of the Replica Banner, Nashville, Tenn., that the publication of that paper has been discontinued. The charge against the Banner was the publication of articles inimical to the United States Government.

We learn from a late number of the New York Herald that a Federal court will soon convene in Nashville.

We see from late files of Northern papers, that the City Council of Baltimore has passed a resolution inviting Wm. G. Brownlow, of this State, to visit the city.


The Senate of the United States passed a bill disqualifying negroes from carrying the mails.


President Lincoln has sent to the Senate a treaty with Great Britain, for the effectual suppression of the slave trade, negotiated by Secretary Seward, with Lord Lyons, on the 7th of April.

- Published in The Tri-Weekly News, Shelbyville, Tennessee, Volume 1 Number 1, April 19, 1862 and reprinted by The Blockade Runner.

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