
Saturday, June 21, 2008

Another Wedding

Married on the 8th inst. at the residence of Mr. E. B. Gibson, Jacksonville, this county, by Esq. Proudfoot, Mr. Ira Billings of Liberty township, to Miss Lizzie Bute, of Young America, Warren Co., Illinois.

Our Correspondent writes us that Miss Bute has been spending the winter with Mr. Gibson, her uncle, and has concluded to take a Hawk-Eye back with her to Suckerdom. He also writes us that Mrs. Gibson got up a supper on the occasion, unequaled before in Jacksonville. Many guests were present who tested its excellence, and who united in pronouncing the affair one of the happiest of the happy.

Now Billings, a word in regard to the bird,
That you have avowed you will love,
Procure her a cage, a purse and a page,
And, my Word, she’ll be gentle’s a dove;
But fail to do this, and instead of a kiss,
Her looks will be colder than lead
And a hundred to one, of you are not “mum”
She’ll kick you some night from the bed.

- Published in The Union Sentinel, Osceola, Iowa, March 19, 1864

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