
Friday, June 20, 2008

Volunteering in Oceola Township

At a Meeting of some of the citizens of this township Saturday evening January 2d, to provide for filling our quota under the President’s call for 300 thousand men, the members resolved to raise money by subscription sufficient to pay each recruit who may be accepted, $100, in addition to the bounty paid by Government. A Committee was appointed to take subscriptions, who have succeeded in raising $912, to this date.

Below we give the names of the subscribers and the amount each subscribed.

Others have not yet been solicited, and some whose names hare here given have agreed to sign more if it is necessary to make up the full amount. The names of those who may sign hereafter, and those who increase their subscription will appear in another issue.

A. H. Burrows, $25; L. M. D. Sherick, $25; N. H. Annis, $5; J. B. Kelly, $3; E. M. H. Fleming, $5; C. B. Bonney, $5; J. Williams, $20; George W Howe, $25; D. Sayer, $10; C. E. Millard, $20; Abner Fitzgerald, $5; E. M. Smith, $10; A. Knotts, $25; Jas. Rice, $50; R. B. Parrott, $25; S. R. Burgess, $25; D. T. Musselman, $15; W. E. Henderson, $20; Aaron S. Johnson, $25; H. F. Gross, $25; F. G. Winkler, $5; M. W. Morgan, $10; A. C. Johnson, $15; George W. Clapp, $20; Jas. Brown, $5; William B. Orr, $10; J. H. Warfel, $10; W. N. Barnard, $25; J. R. Rhea, $10; A. Lyons, $25; Moses Parvis, $10; L. R. Regley, $25; A. J. Linder, $5; E. A. Lanham, $15; David Brier, $25; J. W. Blake, $10; Wm. Brier, $20; D. Miller, $5; E. L. Orr, $15; Jacob Roberts, $10; A. A. Mintoyne $14; N. H. Ridgeway, $20; John Daily, $40; Wm. Grimes, $5; H. W. Peckett, $20; J. D. Howard, $5; Jacob Lingle, $25; Sam Moorhouse, $5; H. C.Sigler, $25; E. M. Laws, $25; O. P. Anderson, $10; Adam Lingle, $25; P. J. Goss, $10; P. C. Templeton, $5; B. F. Chapman, $5; Jas. Polly, $10 John M. Moore, $5; J. H. Caverly, $15.

Whole amount subscribed, $912.00.

The following are the names of those who have volunteered from this County.

Oceola: E. M. Legerwood, J. T. Polly, J. F. Tibbs, J. M. Campbell, H. E. Mintoyne, T. C. Laport, H. H. Adams, John Wells, John Witcraft, John Story, C. A. B. Watson. Doyle Tp: Wm Burham, James Lent, D. O. Ball, James Edwards, A. H. Wetherell, John Powers, and three others whose names are unknown. Knox Tp.- Stephen Stiverson, Wm. Ford, Soloman Thomas, Nathan Thomas.

Green Bay Tp.- P. C. Baily (colored.)

- Published in The Union Sentinel, Osceola, Iowa, January 9, 1864

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