
Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Confiscation Of Rebel Property

The tory party in the North who have waged so fierce and unrelenting a war upon the Administration of Mr. Lincoln, have made the confiscation of Rebel property a pretext for so doing. Union men and families in the Border States, whose property was confiscated by the Rebel authorities, for opinion sake, where right, and are denied the sympathies of these traitors!

We hold that the property of all Rebels in arms, should be confiscated; and the infernal necks of the leading Rebels should be confiscated at the end of a rope. The loss of property, and the right to hold office of honor and profit, on the part of the guilty participates in the rebellion, is not enough in the way of retaliation to be visited upon them for their crime. The later should have been summoned from the star, to do its appropriate work. And we repeat now, what have we said from the beginning --- that winding up this rebellion without hanging the leaders, is showing to all the generations to come after us, that our war against the Rebels was a failure.

Parson Brownlow.

- Published in The Union Sentinel, Osceola, Iowa, December 26, 1863

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