
Monday, June 2, 2008

Mr. Ashely of Ohio...

...will introduce to-day an important bill, providing in accordance with the suggestion of the President: a Message and Proclamation for the establishment of a provisional military government over that district of country in rebellion, and for authorizing the loyal citizens of such districts to organize the such State governments. The bill also confers upon the president power to appoint for every district in rebellion a military governor, who is to have the civil administration until a State government can be formed and Senators and Representative[s] to Congress elected. Whenever the people desire the reorganization of the state governments, the Military Governor is to order an enrollment of the loyal electors, and as soon as the number of the latter will be equal to one-tenth of the votes cast at the Presidential election in 1860, the Military Governor shall order an election of a State Convention, which shall be authorized to form a State Government, provided it shall not be repugnant to the Constitution of the United States or the President’s Proclamation of Jan. 1st, 1863, and that Slavery be forever abolished and prohibited. The new constitution to be submitted to the people, and after its adoption Senators and Representatives may be chosen. All laws of the former constitutions of these districts making a distinction between black and white persons are abrogated, and any infringement of individual freedom to be punished as kidnapping.

- Published in The Union Sentinel, Osceola, Iowa, December 26, 1863

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