
Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Fight in East Tennessee

Washington, Jan. 30. – The following has been received at headquarters here.

Nashville, Jan. 29. – Gen. Foster telegraphs from Knoxville, 29, 9 a.m. – I have the honor to report that the cavalry under Gen. Sturgis, gained a victory over the enemy’s cavalry near the Fair Ground 10 miles east of Severville. McCook's division drove the enemy about two miles after a stubborn fight lasting from daylight until 4 p.m. We captured two steel rifled guns and over 150 prisoners. The enemy’s loss was considerable, 65 being killed and wounded in the action. Gerrad and Welford’s Divisions came up in time to be pushed in the pursuit.

(Signed,) John A. Rawlins,
Brig. Gen. Com.

Headquarters, Nashville, Jan. 29. – The enemy, 600 strong, attacked the garrison at Athens, but after six hours fighting were repulsed. Our loss was twenty – the enemy’s must have been greater. On the 27th Col Miller had a severe fight this side of Florence, repulsing the enemy. Our loss was 15 killed and 17 wounded.

(Signed:) John A. Rawlins.
Brig. Gen’l Com’d’g

- Published in The Union Sentinel, Osceola, Iowa, February 6, 1864

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