
Thursday, June 26, 2008

Letter from Adjutant E. H. King

Headquarters, Iowa Inft. Vol’s
Vicksburg Miss. Jan. 4th 1864

Mr. Caverly. –

Thick clouds overspreading the sky. The rain is falling in gentle showers, and has been all day. Water and mud are every where. Still this has been a gala day in camp. “Veteran Enlistment” is the rage at present. Every energy is being spent for the consummation of this grand object. Gen. McPherson visited the camp to day and made a speech to the Regiment on the subject which was received with sound applause. Col. Belknap also made a speech which was well received, and “all is passing merry as a marriage feast” in spite of the threatening elements. The ball is moving. The heroes of many battles, show a willingness to “Rally round the flag,” for another three years if the rebellion should last so long.

From present indications, a majority of the Regiment will reenlist – perhaps three fourths. – Co. “I” has led the van in this matter, and already three fourths of the men present have enlisted, which by the stipulations of the order entitles them to a furlough of thirty days within the State. If the remaining nine companies do as well, our friends in Iowa may expect our presence among them at no distant day.

With the exception of this matter of Veteran enlistment, things remain about as they were at my last writing. Health is very good, with few exceptions. There are four cases in the Regimental Hospital, only one of which is of a serious nature.

The first, and only snow of the season fell on the last day of the old year, perhaps to lend a more graceful whiteness to his locks as he was merging in to the past, or may-be to add freshness and vigor to the face of the new, as he came to receive his greetings. Whatever the cause, there was not sufficient to cause us thoughts of Sleigh-riding even if the appliances were on hand for that purpose.

But, I must close. I only write to tell you that there is a prospect of the 15th Iowa investing and laying siege to the State of Iowa in a month or two or three, and the people thereof would better prepare themselves for an “Unconditional Surrender.”

Good bye! Your, &c.
E. H. King

– Published in The Union Sentinel, Osceola, Iowa, January 30, 1864

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